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Sakura captures cards

Sakura captures cards
A girl named Sakura Kinomoto who lives in Japan and studying distant fourth grade.
One day, Sakura came into her father's room. There she found a mysterious book of cards Claw.
Sakura opened the book and discover a stack of cards.
And without intending any cards scatter and disappear, except for one card, mood card.
A little creature called Cerberus that resembles a small bear out of my list, and the number of Sakura on which to collect and capture
The cards were closed down and disappeared before a disaster will fall on the world.
Sakura has become so formally capture cards Claw.
Sakura begins to collect the Claw cards together with Hbth Tomo, which designs special clothes Sakura
For each concept card, and Tomo knows she can not leave her camera at her home that she must take
The Claw card concept.
After a meeting of cards, and his name appears in a blaze who also on the cards and try to steal Sakura
Its cards to be ruler in place.
But after a while the light from right with her company of Sakura and help her capture cards
Together with his power cards (cards not Claw) and sword.
After a while, take a taxi from the road and down a girl named Miilin me.
Miilin know the Oren and she loves him, she does not like Sakura because she thinks Sakura caught
The light from its place, and Beilin was not going to give her and Hotft Sakura the blaze as possible.
Miilin also found on the cards and also joins the group, but it has no powers.

Sakura Kinomoto (it says in Japanese - Nafriht cherry) is a normal Japanese girl of 10, who is studying in fourth grade. One day, Sakura came into her father's library, where she found the book cards Claw. In
Sakura is perky and cute girl. When she was three her mother died, and she lives at home with her ​​older brother (Toya) and father (Fog'itaka). Childhood, her brother used to tell her scary stories about monsters and ghosts and because of this Sakura is now very afraid of them. Almost most of the series is in love with Biokito, best friend of her brother, and her best friend is Tmoio. Sakura is very good at sports and I hate math. As the series progresses that Sakura's strength growing.

sayoran is a family of Claw Reed, and because it too has magical powers. He came to Japan from Hong Kong when he heard that polling Claw released, and sent to collect them. That's why at the beginning of the series is used to tease Sakura about the lack of knowledge cards and even became a rival. Later in the series he and Sakura are approaching, and he even falls in love with her​​. When Sakura officially declared as a method of cards whose light helps her to change them to the polls Sakura. Lshaoren have a compass board that helps him find the Claw cards, and has strong magical powers and great knowledge. If light starts to admire the Iokito first time he met him


Tomoyo Daidog'i:
Tomoyo is the best friend of Sakura, and the daughter of her mother's cousin. Is very rich, and even has six bodyguards. She loves photography, and likes to film the Sakura in action. She shared the secret of Sakura and know its mission and Crewe. Tomoyo is very talented at sewing and making all kinds of costumes Sakura its battles at the polls Claw, that's why almost every battle takes another strange outfit Sakura. Tomoyo is a smart and outgoing person, and when she can make out that Oren's feelings towards Sakura is trying to convince him to tell her.

Cerberus is actually a magical beast resembles a lion with wings made ​​Klrau Reed to keep Claw cards. Softgel form is the form of little yellow teddy bear, and because of the authoritative and original name did not fit his little shape, Sakura gave him the nickname "Crow. Happened actually fell asleep during guard duty, and because it did not notice when Sakura released them, and now he helps her to answer them. He is addicted to video games and for sweet things. It has a very extravagant, and it symbolizes the sun.

Toya Kinomoto:
Is Sakura's older brother. Although he was probably always laughing at me and tease her, he really likes her and protect me, that's why he does not like the Saioren, who saw him first when he tried to take Sakura the cards Claw. Toya also have magical powers, and can feel magical, feel things others can not even see ghosts (his mother, for example). Later in the series, when missing Liokito power and he was about to disappear, Toya gave him his powers, causing more that he could meet his mother.

Miiling me:
Miiling is his cousin and fiancée of Oren. Is in love with him since childhood, when he saved the bird she fled to her. She worked with him when they were children and is very talented in martial arts, and has no magical powers, is trying at all costs to help Lshaoren capture cards. Beginning of the series Miiling behaving nice Sakura, probably because of jealousy, but later in the series they come together and become good friends. After telling Oren Lmiiling he loves Sakura, and canceled their engagement, she is very offended at first, but later in the series, when she returns to Hong Kong without the blaze, she asks him to tell her how he feels about Sakura.

Iokito Tsokishiro / Yue:
  Iokito is the best friend Toya. Sakura loves him, and Oren admire him. Iokito very nice and considerate to everyone, and is also very greedy one, not even see it. Later in the series show Shiokito is actually not a human being, but a veil of Yue, another guardian of the Claw cards which represents the moon. Yue is the exact opposite of Macro, is very serious and looked cold heart. The only person he shows emotion is spinning towards me, although he also maintains and protects very Sakura.

Arieol Hiragizawh:
  Reincarnation of Claw Reed. At first Arieol who came from England is shown as a student. Since Sarieol joined the class after all the cards were gathered, meant that the light to return to Hong Kong, but when he met Arieol and felt something strange about him decided to stay. He looks like a very gentle child, and behaves nicely, and maybe even too nice to Sakura. Because Sakura gentlemanly behavior that Oren did not like him, and Tmoio used to call 'adversary' by Oren. You can see it makes a lot of trouble Sakura and others by his powerful magic, but at the end of the series seems he only helped Sakura become all ballot cards Sakura. With the powerful forces he can create the spinel and Ruby Moon



72d6.jpg sakura, shaoran, and kero image by sakura03anna
SakuraandSyoran.jpg sakura and shaoran's heart image by sakura03anna
SakurayShaoran5.jpg Shaoran sonrojado image by Kpita_Sakura

IamGoingToo.jpg sakura and shaoran image by shaoran_14
Sakura and Syaoran

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