בניית אתרים בחינם


Mermaid Melody Peach Peach Peach
?How  about an encore

Luchia 13 Year-old  is a sea and Pacific ocean perch. 
When she was still young she saved the life of a child who fell during ship sailing into rough seas. Lucia gave the child the pearl of her magic to heal him
Many years later, Lucia never sent people to search for her pearl. That without the pearl she can not be a true princess. She meets again Keita, child rescued when he was little. But even the bad guys are looking for the pearl. Isola of Interactive Radio evil servant is sent to look for the pearl of Lucia. Pearl is in the possession of Keita since receiving her Lucia saved him from drowning. Keita was attacked by Isaora and Luchia naturally want to help him, but is too weak. At the last minute Keita revealing the pearl makes Lucia alter the shape of the pink pearl Mermaid. Lucia singing the song of the mermaids makes Isaora run away as fast as it can not stand the mermaids singing.
The love of man and Bat Yam, just not particularly easy. Lucia can not reveal her true identity to human, and in our case Keita beloved, otherwise it will become a foaming sea. Only if Keita finds out for himself
Lucia is not alone, gradually add up to more mermaids: the first non, the southern ocean perch with blue pearl. Other accommodation, the northern ocean perch with green pearl. And together they fight the evil forces of the sea and managed to win their songs.

Luchia is a princess of the Pacific ocean where all people have pink fins. One day when a big storm Lucia had saved a child who fell from a ship for water to revive him she gave him her pearl and because of that boy survived. After several years decided to go out into the world of Luchia humans to find the boy who saved and return the pearl that is not without a real princess. Luchia crossed the boy named Keita but to her dismay stolen the pearl, Lucia falls in love with Keita but she always wonders if he loves her as a person or princess mermaid
Lucia is cute energetic girl who likes to recite sweet and jealous and stubborn but friendly and nice to everyone and love help Matt not start with her sons and she blushes a lot Vlade boys despite the son she likes popular among girls

hanon is a princess of the Southern Ocean which is where all of the sea is bright blue fins. Marrow example comes from the kingdom of hanon, hanon is very smart and is in love with her ​​music teacher Taro, she tries everything to attract the attention but does not always successful, hanon has appeared already in the series and the second chapter is the one who told Luchia that if a person knew the secret is the foam will return, after they met hanon and Luchia decided to live together at
Pearl Pyari.
hanon is cute and funny girl is another nice and loves to help others, especially taro is in love but she falls in love easily at all handsome son is sweet and knows how to listen and give advice to excellence and be really good friends is a good friend of Luchia, and Rina
Her kingdom was destroyed by the evil fairy guide and fortunately subjects but managed to escape and she went to the world where humans first met Luchia, she appeared in Chapter 2 of Season 1
She has an old friend named Meiro she came to see much

Rina is the princess of the northern ocean which is where all of the sea is green fins. Rina very secretive and serious, difficult for her to acquire new companies, but she managed to connect with Luchia and hannon and they live together, Rina also a good friend with Noel, Noel helped Rina escape which reinforced the link between the two, Rina very elegant, is not only wearing a school uniform and sometimes she dresses boys clothing (jeans and a shirt) but there are moments when Rina also very funny and cute
But it is difficult and serious and tough and cool until another is sometimes with humor hot and think that a friend is nonsense no matter now that what's important now is to save the noel at the hands of the guide is cool and all the boys who see her fall in love with her​​, is really a model and tell her that much she could be a model (she also was)
Only the second season she has a boyfriend and is more soft and flexible
She also Atltit and longer cute and annoying at times hitting with it (not to mess with her) but she's cute even though it hard to acquire companies that is not really friendly but God takes care liability and did not let anybody hurt them

Karen is the daughter of the ocean's put the South Pole. For the sea has lilac-colored fins, although fund initially was charged as having caused Larina to endure, but they caught the foolish doing it, she joined the group and help build the sea to fight the bad fairies.

Foundation helps build escape first and mouths disappear is manipulative above identify them and not particularly nice Rina why she thinks that her sister get caught and of being taken captive
She is pretty funny and love of food is beautiful and Shannon did not like her at first because her teacher thought taro in love with her but not
Fund drives come and go it resides much more in season 1 but season 2
She falls in love with the boy when investigating the pole but of course he did not know she's a mermaid
Foundation Anrgtit and love to others is a good friend of Coco (who is also a captive)
Is his party funny Anrgitit tough and cool and she likes to eat and very sweet and loves to help and she loves her big sister Noel

Noel is a good friend of Rina, is a princess of the Arctic Ocean, which is there for the sea has fins dark blue, Noel is very warm, and love helping others, Rina warns Noel her world was going to be destroyed, together they tried to prevent it but the guide and Yuri to stop them Noel and took captive and Rina could barely escape, since she was a prisoner in the palace of the guide that caught her pearl.
Noel likes to help others is a lovely sweet and nice is too nice not she's interested she is busy helping a friend and be nice to everyone and everyone loves her back
Little sister adores her and fund her own character and try to imitate it but do not go to her
Noel likes boys too sweet and all adore her love and affection to the world and its nature

Coco is a princess of the south Pacific and there to the sea are yellow fins, unfortunately Cook was caught by the evil guide Cimaat castle was held by the end of the season.
Coco is a beautiful and funny girl who wants to help and underneath the good love advice most successful
Coco is Sarah's best friend and she misses her
Sarah fell in the final chapters seafloor and Nirath more and last time she spoke with a ponytail said her success, I will miss and went to Sarah before she gave her a clam that can destroy lots of stuff inside locked furious anger and sadness of her hurt feelings ..
Coco believe in many things she loves Lishmua especially fairy tales and treasures is a best friend of Sarah but is not found then her best friend Noel is another energetic and because it's cute and nice boys while everyone around her all the time and do it the

Sarah comes from the Indian Ocean that all of the sea has orange fins, when she was on vacation at her home in India she swore allegiance to solidification taro. When solidification did not know she was a sea, a good friend Sara Coco's also, unfortunately, was captured by the guide
After Taro left the sang she will break and damaged hair Nizva black and all the happy feelings were gone and the dark sides
Taro and Sarah try to be together and it's not going all that well so disturbing Shannon
Sarah does not appear much and she is consumed for the first time when she saved the taro Although I still hate him
She once tried to capture him but gave up but he's dropped Shannon
Sarah can not say much about her character that does not see it less said but you can say about her feelings that she was angry and hurt Taro violated his oath, but he Fa but he left and she will break apart and became blac.

Kaito is a champion of surfing and is also studying the same class as Luchia, Luchia is saved from drowning child when he was young, in love with Keita Luchia but not that he knew about it because it will foam, Kaito also very reminiscent of the evil leader guide
Keita should discover that Luchia is the mermaid who saved him and he is the brother of the guide (leader of the villains) Keita Lucia shouts a lot about but he was sorry after revealing that she saved him in his childhood

Solidification is known piano player and music teacher at the school where Shannon, Lucia and Lina learn, Shannon deep in love with, but is love with another woman - Sarah, he had vowed to love with Sarah but love mermaid and a man is an impossible love but they do everything to be together.
He thinks up all the time and he loves only her
Taro is a nice gentleman and caring sweet and polite and friendly
Is in love with Sarah and she him but she hates him and held him captive once and then give it. Taro's concert then saved it there is a shock of black beauty sisters
Shannon love with taro but gave him up for his love for Sarah despite trying to be with him all season

Hippo is Lucia's companion into the human world so she does not do silly things, there is much knowledge to share Hippo with Lucia, it helps especially when hypo becomes an ordinary man, a hippo also crush Yuri, but he knows there is a chance to love it because both are different sides of the divide, a hippo with a sea horse key gets huge forces and then it can help Lucia fight the forces of evil.

Nicola is a normal mermaid is Luchia's kingdom come and it behaves like a big sister Luchia who takes care of her younger sister, is the owner of a hotel called the pearl of Pyari. Nicola is also the object of his love of maki- San, but is still but the wife who died recently, however two very good friends, Nicola told Lucia and build many other legendary sea sea, and explained to seven mermaids they need to get the Queen of the Sea Aqua Rag'ina with pearls.
Nicolas nice and she acts like Luchia's sister and she cooks great
Is favored by girls and it has really good advice
Nicolas is like their reserves is tough and nice and kind but sometimes she acts contrary to the nature and laughing and the girls participating Bsteot
Despite what Jaffa expects funded

The manual is a bad leader, and is also very similar to Keita (really confusing). He holds the principality castle yellow pearl and Hanidigo, we still do not know the real failures of the guide, he probably wants to be the ruler of the seventh day, the instructor has a good relationship with Sarah, who works as his assistant and it is most fond of all his mistresses.
yazur is the oldest of all lovers of the manual, power kite things where there is water, a strong attack is hard to avoid it
to aryl has a split personality, one part of her personality is happy and innocent-looking, and the other mean and nasty, power type where there is seaweed with whom she could tie her enemies.

Maria is the elegant and learned from all four mistresses of the guide, the power control on snow and ice with which it can freeze enemies.

Yuri is the youngest of the guide's mistresses, she plays the piano, black horn power that can burn or kill the enemies, Yuri fell Hippo who helped her when she went into a shell fuselage.

cici is the older sister of the Black Beauty Sisters, the sisters know how to sing a song against the mermaids, and the waters have invented for Friday song of the mermaids singing.
Mimi is the youngest sister, the sisters are very close together, and together they service songs against the mermaids

אנימה בנים, אנימות, בנות הים, בנות הים עונה 2
fan fiction
Coco and Luchia 
thgifi5.gif transform hanon image by Ashley_Battleimg321/8242/ha120ww.gifhanonlove.gif Hanon loves Taro-chan image by usagi2006hanon-verw2.gif Aqua Pearl Voice! (Land) image by usagi2006hanon-verw3.gif Aqua Pearl Voice! (Land) image by usagi2006imagehttp://img339.imageshack.us/img339/43/hanon10yz3.gifimg220/8277/darksiderawsmermaidmelodypichi.jpghttp://img208.imageshack.us/img208/8277/darksiderawsmermaidmelodypichi.jpg
thmermaidmelody24.gif Luchia image by serenityflameangel1-1.gif gifs mermaid melody image by Infinty_animeImage908237fb77a01521eb25ef0f974ff109_we.gif mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch pure luchia nanami image by anime_watcher143Karen4.jpg Karen image by VampiressEclipsehttp://img511.imageshack.us/img511/5463/zzzzzan0.png
1214995852.gif noel, nuil or noelle of mermaid melody pichi pichi pitch pure image by textmate_lover143th9_1284_6.gif noel image by talask8ergurl[☆] Sara [☆]mmppp8.jpg Mermaid Melody image by SeiraFlowermermy
seira8pf.gif seira image by kagome_is_me
Picture CaptionsPicture CaptionsPicture CaptionsPicture Captionsuntitled.jpg Picture image by starberrymintMermaid Melody - Anime Heavenimg520/2421/gruppe20el.jpg


When you go by sea Moas
And feels they've lost
Tithbr straight to the heart of love
And forget it
And see that my Aamod on
How we would be called away
Just to keep the gift given
Of light and love
It's hot like the sun
Yeah it's so hot it's hot so hot
Only love and kindness
  That's all it all it all
Right now right now
If you only listen to full songs love songs
My heart beats only know the truth is only one
If only applied to take a look at the mirror Atzmc
Pace that you feel is of course the power of love
Love will be here always by your side is Sarah

Tune out open the door to your heart
Warm flame is burning blinding
  And it brings the soul and Tishmur skin on the world
Then Suddenly when I start
Hey ... ...
So I can not stop
Hey ... ...
Not stop and dream
Hey ... ...
Can not not love you
Secrets of Coral Sea Misttrim
Hey ... ...
Hey ... ...
Of Ahbtino
I have them so I'll sing forever
And feel the heartbeat of my body ...

If I had to be born again and re-
I spent a year I did not here anything
That the right of everyone I met on my way to Ayala
Miracles become diamond glows now
One little tear she disappears salty water
And one had no idea he quietly disappeared
Now she scatters
And though my heart is sad again
  I'll always sing
Even if rain fell on my house again
  I'll be there for you ...
If I had to be born again and re-
I spent a year I did not here anything
That the right of everyone I met on my way to Ayala
Miracles make the diamond glowed bright now ...

I'm sitting here and looking up to heaven
See all the colors are changing
And think about love
Recalls you and cry
Hzikron Suddenly my mind is old
Listen to him, he resides in
  Somewhere on the horizon
Do I hear a child crying inconsolably alone
Or a heavy heart to help
Maybe it's fate guiding me
Only minor stars
  Leading me Bbthh
In sea blue horizon
Resides in a home that loves container
I'll keep up my strength
  Deal with the future to come
Deep blue sea and hypnotic
  We will fight and my heart is always pure
I'll keep my power deal
With your future and come to my ...

Sunrise shows she's so beautiful
She brings any tears in my eyes
Just hope you see
See me tightened to the same clouds
Dreams are just wishes
Deep in our hearts ... ...
But they will take me there
Go on the wings of the sun
  Just to reach you
Going to see you
Because I do not want to wait another
Tightened to the stars
Reality becomes magic
With my mind I keep my dream to win ...

Open the door to Heaven
Look what resides reputation overseas
There is a place where we live
It has a better life
You and me ....
You then saw
You smiled white angels
And the sun came down from heaven
Since the emergence
You are the curator of the world
Feeling warm and moving
He would always remember how it happened
When you suddenly leaves
Never will forget it in my heart

Open the door to Heaven
Look what resides reputation overseas
There is a place where we live
It has a better life

A place where we can live the magic
Our lives will be like a fairy tale
Give me a chance
  Give me a chance
So we will realize the dream

I am in search of a place far HIDDEN RESOURCE
Where I
Will always be happy
And the music I heard at sunrise
Reminisce once more beautiful
Distant waves beautiful melody comes
This time it Nkol immediately release all the light
She rises at dawn after a storm
Between continents and seven seas
Even if the new times come they will send everyone love
She rises at dawn after a storm
Between continents and seven seas
But maybe it will be gone from here
I hope you will not forget

As the last page of a fairy tale and different re-written tragedy
And even that his heart believed the story and now the dream has been lost to the world
Love dreams are just kids who built castles on the beach
It is delicate and fleeting, not even such that they will be excused
And even now I can not get rid of the song that you have given
Melody echoing in me and I feel I came back the same day
And all this was like a cage confinement
And I promise that I'll be freed from the ties you are enveloped
And shut me deep inside
And now we're together Ahhva still lights my way
Fate has been decided what will become of us all
And if the stars disappear everyone is afraid that people moving

Sara's Song [Return to the sea]

Seira's Song - Beautiful Wish

lady bat Ankoku no Tsubasa

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