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לימוד תרגילי סקייט אצבעות באנגלית

Welcome all, these are the finger board trick tips, hope you enjoy 'em!
All of these are here for your finger skateboarding needs! The tricks are listed in the order that I think they should be learned. However, you may choose anyway you'd like to learn them (duh!) Go ahead and be a fool; don't follow my advice :P 10/14/00 -- I just added some animated pictures for the trick tips! I'm new at this so it may look really sucky for a while until I get better (shut up, I know it looks like a kindergartener drew it!) I also have no clue how to shrink the image so it's gonna be huge until I figure out how to. :-)

The Anatomy of a Finger Skateboard
As you can see, this is the World Industries board, Battle. Here I will explain the anatomy of the finger skateboard.

1. Deck-- The deck isn't exactly made of wood, but durable plastic so u don't snap it. All Tech Deck boards come with real graphics from major companies such as Birdhouse, Element, World Industries, Hook-Ups (hehe...), ZERO, and Santa Cruz. There are many more companies but unfortunately Shorty's is not one of them :(

2. Trucks-- The trucks are actually metal on this thing so it sounds pretty cool when you grind on stuff. Unfortunately they don't have brands of mini-trucks, I think that would be awesome! :-) Anyways, you can easily detach them and switch them to other decks. The trucks also have adjustable king pins so u can make them as loose or tight as you'd like. They even have mini-bushings! All of these are detachable as well.

3. Wheels-- These are supposedly made of durometer, like most real skateboard wheels, but you can't really tell. They can also be taken off and exchanged. And nope, no real brands here either, just colors.

4. "Real" Grip Tape-- Well I don't really know what they mean when they say "real" grip tape but it ain't all that real. It is, however, much like sandpaper and feels sorta like grip tape. It's better than just having a plastic top like on those ones they had at McDonald's. My sister got tons of those crapped up things.

5. Skate Tools/extra nuts-- All boards you buy individually come with these things. You can use them to adjust the tightness of the truck or wheels, or you can use the screwdriver to remove the trucks. The extra nuts are a must have because they are so easy to lose when you are changing wheels.

Well, that's the finger skateboard. You should go and get one cuz they are really cheap. I've gotten some good ones at like 2.99 a piece. The current finger boards I have are; Santa Cruz--Crime, Birdhouse--Bucky Lasek--Flame Bird, Birdhouse--Tony Hawk--Falcon, and Hook-Ups--Poison Bottle. Most of these are bashed up so much they are beyond repair. They get this way because me and my friends make these kick ass videos w/ them! We just finished up making a parody of Toy Machine's "Jump Off A Building" it is called "Jump Off A Bookshelf"

What's an ollie? : An ollie is just a fancy name for a jump. Just the simple up and down motion.

Okay, this is once again the most basic trick you can learn; and you gotta know it otherwise you'll suck more crap than the Backstreet Boys.

1. Okay, the first thing you do is get your fingers into a certain position. I like to have my index finger all the way at the nose and my middle finger and ring finger down at the tail. Unlike a real ollie you don't hafta worry about sliding stuff forward or any of that crap. It's all about movement.

2. Next, you must understand that you CANNOT do a standing still ollie. Everytime you ollie you're gonna go forward, it's a given with finger boards. Now you must smack the tail down to give the board pop.

3. At the same time as your pop, guide the board forward. It's all about quickness here folks, you must actually "drag" the board forward in mid-air.

4. The landing is more simple than taking a piss, all you gotta do is make sure the board is straight and upright. It'll land just fine.

NOTE: This trick only takes about a day to learn, it is really easy once you get the hang of it, you'll be jumpin' pretty much everything around your house in no time. I just recently learned how to jump on top of my dresser which is about 3 1/2 feet high.
What's a boardslide? : A boardslide is a type of grind where the board is sliding down the rail (or other grindable surface) sideways (at a 90' degree angle). The mid-section of the board is what is supposed to be touching the rail.

The Boardslide is a very simple grind once you know how to ollie.

1. First of all be comfortable with your ollies, make sure you can keep on the board and are able to turn it a little.

2. Go find a rail or something similar to one, make sure it isn't as wide as the board is. Okay, In order to do this you must be able to ollie and then turn 90 degrees (which is a lot easier then I'm making it sound). That is your first task.

3. Now all you gotta do is ollie 90 degrees onto this rail and start tok slide down.

4. Landing this trick may be a bit more difficult than you would imagine. It uses the same techniques as in real life; you must turn the board off of the rail so it lands so it is going forward. The way you accomplish this is by turning your board while it is on the rail. Start to turn the board back so it is straight (instead of sideways) towards the end of the rail. You must time it correctly so that the board comes off without either of the trucks hitting the rail. It may take a few tries but it's real easy once you do it a few times.

5. Roll away and do it again...
50-50 Grind
What's a 50-50 Grind? : This is another grind where both of the trucks are sliding down the rail in a forward motion. It's just like the board was riding down the rail, except only on the trucks.

Believe it or not, this trick is harder than it looks.

1. Alright, on this trick you must be able to ollie higher than the desired rail because you hafta land both trucks on it. Make sure you can do that (once you can ollie over the rail that is when you need to learn this trick)

2. Ollie towards the rail and make sure to keep your board straight, most finger boards aren't even half an inch long so you don't have much room for error.

3. Once you are above the rail hit down hard on the board so the rail makes a loud sound. In other words you wanna hit the board down HARD. This way you are sure that the trucks are in the correct spot and you haven't missed.

4. Landing is real simple, just put a little more weight on the back and push it forward.

NOTE: After I learned how to ollie I thought this trick was gonna be a sinch...well...it wasn't as easy as I thought so don't get mad if you need a while to learn it.
What's a hardflip? : This is where the board almost does an entire "loop-dee-loop" in the air, except you catch it right before it completes the loop.
This is the easiest kicktrick to learn so that is why you should learn it first. It is really easy to do off rails, shelves, etc. so you might even want to try doing it off of those first.

1. In this trick the board is actually just going to do an entire flip all the way around, like a "loop-dee-loop" as an airplane might do but you catch it right before the board completes the loop. You can do these off the ground but they are easier to do off of rails or high up places.

2. Okay, lets assume that you are doing this trick from a stand still on the ground. What you must do first is to hit the tail back as hard as you can to give the board enough pop to spin around.

3. You then must use your hand and push forward but at the same time lift up to make the board start spinning. (Usually when you do this trick the board is going to do around 2-3 flips in the air before coming down, it is pretty hard to just do one flip.)

4. At the exact moment you start to spin the board let go so it is spinning in mid-air by itself, with nothing touching it.

5. Now you must "catch" it with your fingers in mid-air and bring it down. This is hard to do at first because you can't really tell if the board is right side up or not. You'll hafta practice timing it correctly so you can land it.

NOTE: This trick can be done just as easily off of rails or bookshelfs, etc. Just make sure to hit the tail as hard as you can.
Pop Shuv-It
What's a pop shuv-it? : A pop shuv-it is a type of kicktrick where the board stays flat and spins for 180' degrees while in the air. Your fingers are above the board and not touching it when this happens.

This next trick requires a bit more skill than the others you have been learning, but once you do it a few times it will be easier.

1. I find this trick much easier to do when you place your index finger in the middle of the board instead of on the nose. It doesn't necessarily require you to do this, but I think it is easier when you do.

2. Okay, a pop-shuv it is just when the board ollies, spins 180 degrees and then you land on it. So you gotta ollie at the same time, but make sure the board is spinning. In order to do this hit the tail down while "flicking" it to the right. Meaning you just hit the tail down towards the right side of the board. This may sound a bit strange but you'll understand once you do it.

4. Upon executing the steps correctly your board will hop and spin, now it is time for you to land it. To do this you're gonna hafta be off the board while it is spinning, just like to board flip. So make sure the board is in the air by itself, now you must catch it in mid-air. It's hard to know when to catch the board so try the pop shuv-it a few times to just get used to how long it stays in the air.

5. Once you can estimate when to catch the board, it is fairly simple to do. Like everyone says...land and roll away.

NOTE: A pop shuv-it is where the board spins 180 degrees in mid-air. There is also a trick called a 360 Shuv-it where the board spins 360 degrees in mid-air. Once you can do the pop shuv-it this should also be easy to do. Just make sure the board has enough pop to spin all the way around.
What's a kickflip? : A kickflip is a type of kicktrick where the board does a barrel roll to the right while in the air. Once again your hand is off the board while this is happening.

This is an incredibly hard trick to do even though it is fairly easy in real skateboarding. My friend has only done it like 10 times (landing on it correctly) and he is much better at finger skateboarding than I am.

1. First off you put your index finger towards the middle of the board, just barely on, under the words "Tech Deck" (or whatever kind of board your using) Then place your middle and ring finger on the tail.

2. Hit the tail as hard as you can, enough to give the board enough time to fully spin around. Make sure not spin the board as in a pop shuv-it, it has to rotate sideways, like a "barrel roll". Right after you hit the tail flick the board with your index finger.

3. The board will hopefully start to spin now. You must now be completely off of the board, your hands hovering over it. Right as its about to turn over one full turn, smack your hand over it and pray that you'll land it face up.

4. There is no step 4.

NOTE: This trick is very difficult to do...as I said I can't even do it. The reason why I put it here was because I think you should atleast try and do it since by now you probably know a few kick tricks. This may be hard... but hey...practice makes perfect...
What's a noseslide? : A noseslide is a type of grind where the rail (or other grindable surface) is wedged between the nose of the board and the front truck.

This trick is very similar to the boardslide except it is only the nose of your board that is sliding down the rail.

1. Since this uses the same concepts as the boardslide ollie 90 degrees at the rail (or other object you may be grinding on).

2. While in the air push down on the nose of the board so it catches the rail. Make sure not to overshoot, which is very easy to do.

3. Keep all of your weight on the nose of the board and slide down the rail.

4. Landing a noseslide requires the exact same concept as landing a boardslide; just turn off from the rail so you are going back in the direction you started from.

5. Like everyone says....roll away.
Smith Grind
What's a smith grind? -- A smith grind is fairly similar to a 50-50 except only one of the trucks is grinding down the rail. That truck happens to be the back truck.

1. First off be comfortable w/ 50-50's, you should be if you've been following my trick tips in my order. This trick requires the same concepts as a 50-50 grind, except you are concentrating more on the back truck instead of the whole board itself.

2. Pop an ollie and turn partially towards the side of the rail. Put more weight onto the back of your board and try to catch the back truck on the rail.

3. Hopefully you are now in 'smith-grind position' and are heading down the rail, make sure to keep the truck centered and don't have the board flailing around to the side.

4. Ride it out, you've completed the hardest part of the trick. Now it's time for the landing. This landing is very similar to the 50-50's landing. Just put more weight on the back of the board and push off.
What's a nosegrind? : This is where only the nose of the board and the front truck are grinding down the rail. It's just like a backwards 5-0 grind (hopefully you know what that is).

1. This trick requires a lot of concentration on the front truck and nose of the board. It is very easy to mess up on this but once you have it down it's fairly easy.

2. Ollie as high as you possibly can towards the rail. You need to get the entire board above the rail so you can hit the nose on it.

3. Once in the air make sure you are over the rail. Now put all of your weight onto the nose of the board so you're coming down in a "nosedive" position as an airplane might do.

4. Hopefully you will hit the rail with the nose of the board. All of your weight must be on the front of you board, but make sure you have a finger on the back too so you will balance it out.

5. Ride it out, but be careful, it is easy to lose the board. Once to the end of the rail push back on the tail and come off in a straight position.
360 Flip
What's a 360 Flip? : Well, this trick is going to be very hard to explain since you really have to see the trick in order to understand what it looks like. A 360 Flip is a combination of a 360 shuv-it and a kickflip. Good luck picturing it.

1. This trick is all in the scoop of the tail. You first need to position your fingers with your index in the middle and your ring or middle finger on the tail.

2. Hit the tail but use your back finger (whichever one is on the tail) to scoop the board around and flip it. Now at the same time use your finger that's in the middle to spin it. This is basically all the trick requires you to do. What helps me to spin it correctly is to start out as if I were doing a 360 shuv-it. This trick uses the exact same concepts except your back finger scoops up the board to make it spin sideways.

3. Now pull your fingers off the board and give it ample time to spin. You must catch it in mid air and bring it down, as with all of the other kick tricks. Note that with this trick the board does spin fast, but don't try and catch it too quickly or you'll land the board upside down. Not that this is bad... I mean, you caught it, but you know, it's good to land a trick the right way instead of the wrong way.
Crooked Grind
Coming soon....
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