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 הדף כשהן קטנות
יש לי פה 5 סוגי בנות הים קטנות
סוג 1:
 סוג 2:
mermaidlogo.png Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch! ^-^ image by Kayoko_Chikarogi
index_02.jpg live start group image by NekoHeiress
זה בערך כמו סוג 2:
סוג 3.

 blinkiluchia.gif Luchia image by winxieclubie blinkihanon.gif Hanon image by winxieclubie blinkilina.gif Lina image by winxieclubie


blinkikaren.gif Karen image by winxieclubie blinkinoel.gif Noel image by winxieclubie blinkicoco.gif Coco image by winxieclubie 

blinkisara.gif Sara image by winxieclubie blinkiseira.gif Seira image by winxieclubie
    Lucia.gif sprite luchia blinky image by asterlee_vallar
hanon15.gif hanon icon image by asterlee_vallar
 sprite_hanon_06sprite_hanon_01sprite_hanon_03 sprite_hanon_02sprite_hanon_04sprite_hanon_05 B_HOTsleepy hanon


          thNoel.gif sprite noelle blinky image by asterlee_vallar
kaito.gif sprite kaito blinky image by asterlee_vallar
  sprite_kaito_06img247/4387/spritekaito05qm0.gif     kaito004.gif kaito mini image by Prada_Dreams
 Hippo.gif sprite hippo blinky image by asterlee_vallar


mermaid melody gif
starto.gif pichi pichi pitch mermaid melody image by anime_watcher143
CocoHanonLuciaRinaSprites.jpg Coco, Hanon, Lucia, Rina Sprites image by MewTamao CocoHanonLuciaRinaCarenNoelSprites.jpg Coco, Hanon, Lucia, Rina, Caren, Noel Sprites image by MewTamao
חפצים:    Help 
דמיות משניות:
  Members  Help img527/8904/spritegura01go8.gif sprite_tarou

 nikola_ani.gif nikola mini image by Prada_Dreamsimg170/1007/spritetakiil0.gif



Maria.gif sprite maria blinky image by asterlee_vallar Izuru.gif sprite izuru blinky image by asterlee_vallar Eriru.gif sprite eriru blinky image by asterlee_vallar


Sprites003Sprites004   Sprites017   Sprites018     Sprites051

Sprites022img169/6251/spriteeril03cz6.gifF_ACTIVEC_OFF_RES3Yuri.gif yuri mini image by Prada_Dreams

סוג 4:
לוצ'יה :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
האנון :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
רינה :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll PalaceDress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
קרן :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
נואל :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
קוקו :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
סיירה :
Dress Up Games, Doll Makers and Cartoon Dolls @ The Doll Palace
סוג 5: 
לוצ'יה :
האנון :
רינה :
נואל :
קוקו :

@כל הזכויות שמורות@

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