Brigadier General (Res) Avigdor Kahalani
Chairman of the Assoc. on behalf of the Soldier
The War of Independence made Israel independent.
The war began after the partition plan of the U.N was accepted on 29th of November 1947, ended on July the 20th 1949.
War broke out after the Arabs in Israel and the Arab countries opposed the U.N recommendation that two countries, a Jewish and an Arab one should be established in mandatory Palestine.
Of course, the Arabs did everything they could to prevent the implementation of the decision, and wanted to forcibly take control of the country.
The Arabs began fighting after the decision was made by the U.N .
They were helped by forces which came from Arab states, to fight as soon as independence was dclared on the 14th of May 1948
The State appointed a temporary government.
The fighting forces which were called up on the day the state became independent, were now called the ''defense forces" and on the 26th of May 1948, became known as the I.D.F.
The war ended with the victory of the Israeli Army, after, all the Arab armies were pushed back.
The territories of the state were expanded beyond the boundaries determined by the U.N decision.