בניית אתרים בחינם
הפוך לדף הבית
הוסף למועדפים
שלח לחבר

לחץ לכניסה לפייסבוק
   פורום לתגובות.Forum feedback    צור קשר.Contact Us    תן שם לדף    תן שם לדף
    ראשי ............First
    אודותי - קשר עם האמן ................ To contact with the artist
    האמן דניאל אופיר .................... Artist Daniel Ophir
    הקדמה פרופסור חיים גבריהוIntroduction Pr.H. Gevaryahu
    ציורי התנ"ך................................ Bible paintings
    1-15 תנ"ך :הבריאה,אברהם,יוסף................Bible creation-Abraham-Joseph
    16-34 ........................................ תנ"ך: השבטים, יציאת מצרים...... Bible 12 tribes-Exodus
    35-47...................................... תנ"ך:-תקופת השופטים................Bible:- judges period
    48-56תנ"ך:-תקופת המלכים.......................................Bible;-kings period
    57-61-תנ"ך: המזלות, הנביאים...................................... Bible: constellations- the prophets
    62-79-תנ"ך: הנביאים................................... Bible: prophets
    80-84 - תנ"ך: חג פורים ...................................... Bible; porim festival
    85-87-4 תנ"ך: 12השבטים........................................Bible: the 12 tribes
    הגדה של פסח 1-12 ....................1-12 The Haggada
    הגדה של פסח 13-24 ................13-24 The Haggada
    הגדה של פסח - רשימת הציורים....................................... List of paintings Haggada
    הקדמה גברת רבקה כצנלסון Introduction R. Kazenelson
    ציורי ארץ ישראל .................................... Israel paintings
    1-32-ישראל: ירושלים, בית לחם............................................ Israel ; Jerosalem, Beth Lehem
    33-50 ישראל: חברון, תל אביב..................................... Israel : Hebron, Tel aviv
    51-68-ישראל: תל אביב - יפו............................................. Israel ; Tel aviiv jaffa
    69-86-ישראל: עכו,קיסריה, כינרת,גולן, מצדה, אילת,סיני..... Israel : Acre,Caesarea, Kinnereth, Golan, Masada, Elat,Sinai
    87-103- ישראל: מערות, אביב .................................. Israel : caves, spring
    104-121-ישראל: דמויות................................. Israel : Images
    122-140- ישראל: סמלים,עליה, מאבק,בנייה, חי, דומם .......................................Israel : symbols, imigration, struggle, building, creature
    המאבק על הארץ.......................Arab Israeli Conflict
    מלחמת העצמאות-........ Independence War
    מלחמת העצמאות-ציורים Independence War-Paintings
    מלחמת סיני..............................The Sinai War
    מלחמת סיני-ציורים............................................. The Sinai War-paintings
    מלחמת ששת הימים..................The Six Day War
    מלחמת ששת הימים- ציורים.............................................The Six Day War - paintings
    מלחמת יום הכיפורים ...............Yom Kippur War
    מלחמת יום הכיפורים ציורים............................................Yom Kippur War-paintings
    מלחמת לבנון הראשונה-...........Lebanon First War
    מלחמת לבנון הראשונה-ציורים.......................................Lebanon First War -Paintings
    מלחמת לבנון השניה-..............Lebanon Second War
    מלחמת לבנון השניה-ציוריםLebanon Second War-Paintings
    מבצע "עופרת יצוקה" בעזה.... Operation " cast lead " in Gaza
    מבצע "עופרת יצוקה" בעזה ציורים ........................... Paintings Operation "cast lead " in Gaza
    חגים ומועדי ישראל.......... Holidays of Israel
    מרכזי יהדות בעולם..................Central Judaism in the world
    בית כנסת ואתר הנצחה..A synagogue and amemorial
    עמוד זיכרון 2
    גלריה 1.ציורי התנ"ך ........... Galery1- Bible paintings
    גלריה 2-ציורי מלחמות ישראל ......................................Gallery 2 - Paintings of Israel's wars
    תערוכות ציורים........... Exhibition of paintings
    עיתונות ופרסומים ........... Newspapers & PeriodIcals
    דברים בשם אמרם ................ Letters & Writings
    ציוני דרך ...... ................ Mileston
    סרטים 1 תערוכות ציורים של האמן דניאל אופיר.........................Video 1 Exhibitions of Paintings - Daniel Ophir
    סרטים - 2 VIDEO הענקת אלבום "פנים חדשות לתנ"ך" Donation of the "Faces Of The Bible" Album
    סרטים - 3 VIDEO קטלוגים ציורים מלחמות ישראל, תנ"ך, הגדה Catalogues - Israeli wars, Bible,Haggada,
    סרטים -4 VIDEO מבראשית לקוממיות From Genesis to Independence
    סרטים -5 VIDEO חייו של אמן-דניאל אופירThe life of an artist - Daniel Ophir
    פורום לתגובות.Forum feedback
    צור קשר.Contact Us


Rabbi  David Lau

Rabbi of MODIIN


One of the events that built the nation of Israel was the exodus from Egypt.                                                                                                                                           

The exodus from Egypt was an event where a nation of slaves, called the sons of Israel, by Pharaoh, king of Egypt, left Egypt after great miracles happened. The ten plagues  are inflicted on Egypt and thereafter was the parting of the red Sea. 
The people of Israel pass through the sea cheering, which can be heard forty years later. Rahav in Jericho reminds us that it was heard that God dried up the Red Sea as    the people passed through.      

The exodus from Egypt was a formidable event and the whole nation and the entire world were amazed to see how an entire nation of slaves left.                                                                                                                       

Running away without a purpose has no value and anarchy and confusion can take over. The Torah instructs Moses and says that he is the person chosen to take the  Jewish nation out of Egypt.

He is told that when he takes the nation out of Egypt, the first stop must be Mount Sinai. At the place where the Torah will be received, laws will be decided on how to behave, how to become a special nation, a nation that runs its own life with honor and in an exemplary fashion, and will be an example to the entire world.                                                                                                                              


The Torah is received on Mount Sinai, and the people of Israel will go forth to the land of Israel. When in the desert, the spies come back from exploring the land of Canaan, and describe a land that is not so good. They incite the people who as a result, are  sorry that they left Egypt to go to the land of Israel. 
At this point, Moses is resigned and makes the nation remain in the desert until another generation is born. because those who left Egypt had been slaves. They were  not able to live a life of freedom in their own land.  

When a new generation was created, a new era began. After 40 years, the sons could enter the land of Israel and begin a life in the land of their forefathers.                                                                                              


But Moses is not privileged to enter the land of Israel with them. He has sinned by striking the rock, disobeying God, and his great personality requires maximal compliance, because we expect our leaders to be perfect, and when he does not obey absolutely, Moses remains in the desert, and doesn’t enter the land of Israel.                                                                                                

    His pupil, Joshua Ben-Nun enters the land of Israel with the people of Israel, and  bequeaths the country of his forefathers to the sons.

