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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Rebbe "How do I Connect a Yid here in Brooklyn Who Gives Money "

"Whenever I would see the Rebbe, he touched the depth in me. That is true of every person who came to see the Rebbe. Somehow, when the person left, he or she felt that they had lived deeper and higher, on a higher level, on a deeper sense of life and a quest for life and meaning."

-Elie Wiesel

What is a Rebbe? Why dose every Yid have to be connected to a Rebbe? I would like to present a very powerful Yechidus of the Rebbe where the Rebbe spelled out to supporter of Chabad at that time a description of what his Role is as Rebbe. also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 60.

Question: The Rebbe's energy is so instrumental in helping us serve Hashem properly, how is it possible that we still have free will?

The Rebbe: The Torah says (regarding Moshe Rabbeinu): "I stand between G-d and the Jewish people," because connecting directly with G-d is a challenge, the Yidden pleaded with Hashem to place an intermediary between the Yidden and G-d.Each generation has its own Moshe Rabbeinu.

To understand this from a worldly prospective: when a regular person has an appointment to speak with the king, it is such a momentous occasion that in preparation for, even a brief audience, the person wears brand new clothes and will buy new shoes. He will need to know in advance what to speak about and more importantly how to speak to a king. How does such a person prepare himself?

He contacts an official or a lawmaker who is intricately familiar with the laws and customs of speaking to a king, and who will advise him on how to get a message across to a king.

The same applies spiritually: Hashem intended for you to get involved in a specific type of business through which you became, baruch Hashem, very wealthy. Now your avodah is also to give Tzdakah. There are times during the year, like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when it is relatively easy for a yid to communicate directly with Hashem. However, reaching G-d on your own on a regular basis is a very difficult task. One goes to a Tzadik who knows how to speak to G-d and this Tzadik communicates on your behalf.

Regarding your question of free will: A wealthy and respectable person who wants to build a house still needs to find a contractor who will actually do the work, an architect to make the blue-prints etc., he will have to find someone specific for each detail of the house. In building a house it is impossible for one person to do everything.It is true that there may be some people who are wealthy and they are also contractors themselves and this person can build a house on their own, but only a select few individuals can do all things involved in building a house.When this wealthy person builds a house, the fact that he relies on various different people, with different professions, doesn't mean that his image as a wealthy and respectful person is diminished. Rather, one needs money to pay other professionals to do the various tasks and without money, he indeed would not get anywhere.

The same in spirituality: a yid who is occupied with business and with giving charity still needs a Tzadik for help. On his own, a Yid does not have sufficient merits; he therefore needs the Tzadik to elevate him closer to Hashem.

For example: how do you connect a Yid here in Brooklyn who gives money in order to help free a Yid in Russia? How a can a Yid in Russia give someone a part in a mitzvah? The same thing regarding a Yid from here who gives money, enabling a Yid in Tel Aviv to put on Tefillin, how are those two people connected?

The Rebbe concluded: the fact that the Yid from here is connected to me and the Yid who is in Russia is also connected to me, and I know how to speak to the above, I connect both of these Yiddin together."I am a physical human being like you it is just that Hashem gave me the strength that I can help out Yiddin"


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Rebbe “We Cannot Hurt our Own Bodies in Any Way”

"First, I was surprised that the Rebbe had the time. Even then, 770 was not as large a center as it later became, there were people waiting from all over the world. I was surprised the Rebbe had taken the time to learn about my own background, and to read stuff I had written, because I knew if he did this for me he did it for everybody. I wondered how he was able to do all that."

-Herbert Weiner

I would like to present a Yechidus of the Rebbe with Dr. Ruth Benjamin, From Johannesburg, S.A. The Yechidus took place in Sivan 1973. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 83 in the series).

"In Sivan 1972 I had my first yechidus (private audience) with the Rebbe. I took my daughter, Devorah Chana, with me. In advance, I had written the Rebbe a note, a somewhat lengthy note. Someone had told me I could only write one page so I had written everything on one legal-size page in tiny, block lettered printing so small that the Rebbe took a magnifying glass to read it.

There were many matters about which I wanted to ask the Rebbe. I was busy with my master's thesis on the psychology of Judaism and had sent to the Rebbe a copy of as far as I had gone. I also asked if I should continue, after completing this, with my doctorate. My husband was a psychiatrist and I am a clinical psychologist. We saw many non-Jewish patients. I asked the Rebbe if we should encourage them towards Christianity or should we let them build up their faith in G-d within themselves. I had also brought in a letter from someone who was questioning the value and meaning of life.

After the yechidus, I wrote down everything I could remember, almost in "play" form. This was a long time ago and today I would not address the Rebbe so casually. I am sure I have not recorded the Rebbe's exact words, or mine for that matter. However, this was written immediately afterwards (at around 5 a.m. after a night of not sleeping) and I have stuck with most of what I have put down as it is probably the most authentic.

Rebbe: Finish your thesis. It is 90% finished.

Ruth: Shall I do a doctorate? What about on Taharat Hamishpacha? It is psychologically brilliant, of course...

Rebbe: Do your doctorate, but not in religion and not in philosophy.

Ruth: Not in religion?

Rebbe: Neither in philosophy. Don't study apikorsis (heresy). Don't study apikorsis as it will lead others to study apikorsis. Do it in something else. You need it to help you in your work.

Ruth: I can still be a psychologist without a doctorate. It would just mean that I cannot call myself "Dr. Benjamin." Is that important?

Rebbe: It is important for prestige.

Ruth: Isn't prestige a bad sort of motivation?

Rebbe: I mean prestige for Yiddishkeit. If you have a doctorate and a woman comes to you and you tell her about Taharat Hamishpacha [Jewish laws of married life], she will listen to you.

On the question of non-Jewish patients, the Rebbe said something like:
"They have seven laws. Lead them to these laws, to all of them. This is part of our duty." The Rebbe then enumerated the Laws.

Ruth: These people need something. One man tried to commit suicide a couple of times and came to my office. I got him to the hospital in time. He then came to me and said: "You are responsible for my being alive. Now give me something to live for."

Rebbe: Tell him he is part of G-d's world and he has a responsibility to Him.

Ruth: Have we a responsibility to the non-Jew?

Rebbe: We have a responsibility to the Jew first and then to the non-Jew.

The Rebbe then picked up on the problem of suicide:

Suicide is exactly the same as murder. Our bodies do not belong to us. We cannot do what we like with them. They are not ours. Get them to understand this. We cannot even hurt our own bodies in any way. The Rebbe then spoke about the person [whose letter I had brought to him] who was questioning the worth of life. The Rebbe said that I should tell such people that they have a double duty to perform after the last war when so many Jews were murdered. They had to live not only for themselves but for all these. They must live to draw people to Judaism. In doing this they will find their own turmoil will pass away. The Rebbe made sure that I would convey this message. The Rebbe ended with a blessing saying that he was waiting for the rest of my thesis.

Good Yom Tov.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The General "The Rebbe Began To Cry"

"Why don't you go to Eretz Yisroel? Such a powerful figure like the Rebbe can definitely influence and have an effect on what's going there–at least spiritually!"

-Ron Pekar

I would like to present a very powerful Yechidus of the Rebbe with a General of the IDF from 1975.This e-mail is dedicated to Chabad of long island city in honor of the opening of their new Chabad house this week.

The General: "Will there be another war in Israel?”

The Rebbe: "The Arabs are just unable to attack right now. But if left to regroup and recuperate, the moment they regain strength, without a moment's hesitation, they will attack. The army should have gone into Damascus and Kahir. Why wasn't it done? The army should have gone–even with out the permission of the government. It was a very critical (and dangerous) time, and we should have kept pressing the main cities.

"Why didn't Arik Sharon continue going into Kahir? He was just one hundred kilometers from there! It's very hard to accept the story that there was no gas on the way, because there was gas for the Egyptian forces and if Sharon wanted to use it there would have been no problem."

Rebbe: "Did you ever fly to Kahir?"

General: "Yes." [Describes the city to the Rebbe].

R: "Why didn't you take planes and fly there and take the city? Why didn't you surprise them? The planes should have flown there and taken the city, even if only for a bit of time. Had they done that, everything would have been different. "

G: [Asks Rebbe how G-d can stand by when Zurik (a friend of his) dies, following the death of his brother Udi by just two years. How could G-d have permitted this? Where is G-d?!]
(The Rebbe began to cry and then said:)

R: "It is indeed a very terrible and frightening incident; but who are we to judge the actions of G-d? I am 73 years old and I study as much Torah as I can, and I keep trying to add in Torah study. I feel that I have acquired a level of wisdom. And yet all that amounts to nothing before the wisdom of G-d. We therefore cannot judge situations a s they present themselves. Because, in retrospect, very often, the meaning and purpose of many mysteries are revealed. Similarly, maybe time will show how the deaths of Udi and Zurik prevented many more Jewish deaths."

G: "Are you scared to live like a Jew here in Brooklyn ?"

R: "When you're fighting during the time of war you fight with courage and sincerity. Similarly, when I do what I need to do, even if outwardly 'dangerous,' I have faith and trust in G-d, because He alone controls what happens here on earth, and he is looking out for the interests of every Jew."

R: "Why don't you go to Eretz Yisroel? Such a powerful figure like the Rebbe can definitely influence and have an effect on what's going there–at least spiritually! I have heard many different answers that the Rebbe has given to people and I also heard that it is a question that bothers many people. "

R: "If I would sit in Eretz Yisroel my influence on world Jewry would be limited. I would not be able to communicate with Jews in Moscow and even this conversation would be impossible in Tel Aviv. I find that this place is the most conducive for my work."

Good Shabbos.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Yechidus With the Rebbe

"Yechidus (private audience) is a meeting where the Rebbe bestows his blessings and/or clarifies issues within a Chassid"

-Rabbi Jacobs

In honor of Yud Shvat I would like to present a Yechidus of the Rebbe with Rabbi Fishel Jacobs May 1981. Special thanks to Rabbi Yisroel Jacobs and Rabbi Yona Avtzon. Also included is "interesting pictures of the Rebbe" part 53.This e-mail is dedicated to Dr. Refoel Levi ben Chaya Toiba.

Note: Yechidus (private audience) is a meeting where the Rebbe bestows his blessings and/or clarifies issues within a Chassid. The transcript below was taken from an audio recording of yechidus with Rabbi Jacobs and his mother. In this yechidus , the Rebbe directed Rabbi Jacobs to return to Israel, stating that his future wife would be easily found there. Two weeks later, Rabbi Rami Antian o.b.m.'dragged' Rabbi Jacobs out of his yeshiva dorm bed at 3:00 a.m. excitedly notifying him that he had found him his future wife. Rabbi Antian had no knowledge of this yechidus at the time. Finally, it was in this yechidus that Rabbi Jacobs was told to begin learning for Smicha (Rabbinic Ordination).

Time: 2:00 a.m.Present: The Rebbe, Rabbi Jacobs and his mother (both seated facing the Rebbe) Rebbe (addressing Mrs. Jacobs): I would like to bless you and all the members of your family in all things necessary, both spiritually and materially—especially to have much nachos, much pleasure, from all your children in all areas of their lives. You should receive this nachos in good health and good parnosa. You should be able to raise the children to Torah, chupah and to do good deeds.

The Rebbe then faced Rabbi Jacobs and continued: You should continue in learning Torah and performing mitzvahs and accomplish this all with joy and inspiration.

The Rebbe addressed Mrs. Jacobs: Where is your place of living? Where are you from?

Mrs. Jacobs: Vermont. (Transcriber: New England, northeast U.S.)

Rebbe: Uh?

Mrs. Jacobs: Vermont .

Rebbe (addressing Rabbi Jacobs): What is your profession?

Rabbi Jacobs: I study in Kfar Chabad.

Rebbe: Kfar Chabad?!

Rebbe (addressing Mrs. Jacobs): And you live in Vermont?!(All laughing)

Rebbe: We Jews are used to this, that one member of the family is in one corner of the world and a sister, brother or parents are in another corner of the world. However, nowadays this is not a problem, since we have telephones and airplanes and many methods of keeping a connection with one another.

Mrs. Jacobs: Zicher (Yiddish: 'sure'). We keep in contact; we're here all the time.
Rebbe: The main thing is to have much real nachos (pleasure), and to receive this nachos in good health and with a good parnosa (livelihood).

Mrs. Jacobs: And to find a good girl for him, a good shidduch (soul mate)

Rebbe: Uh?

Mrs. Jacobs: A good shidduch is also a good thing.

Rebbe: He...

Mrs. Jacobs: We don't know...

Rebbe: Is he ready, or he is in the middle of his studies? Addressing Rabbi Jacobs): Are you ready for a shidduch ?
Mrs. Jacobs: Yes!

Rabbi Jacobs: I spoke with my Mashpiim (Chasidic mentors).

Rebbe: Yes. What was their opinion?

Rabbi Jacobs: After Pesach, it would be a good idea...

Rebbe: 'After Pesach?!' It is now a full week after Pesach and you are not doing anything about it! It is now a full week after Pesach! What is your age?

Rabbi Jacobs: Twenty-five.

Rebbe: That is a proper time to become a choson (groom) and after that to found a family.

Mrs. Jacobs: Sure!Rebbe (Facing Rabbi Jacobs): How long do you intend on being here?

Rabbi Jacobs: I wrote to the Rebbe shli"ta (blessing for longevity), regarding what would be the best thing thing for me. I learn in Kfar Chabad, and I recently entered shiur aleph (first class of Yeshiva) in Kfar Chabad. Rebbe: Have you received smicha (Rabbinic Ordination)?

Rabbi Jacobs: No.

Rebbe: Have you studied for smicha ?

Rabbi Jacobs: No.

Rebbe: Do you not plan on studying for smicha ?

Rabbi Jacobs: I spoke with Rabbi G... and usually a year after the wedding is a good time to begin.

Rebbe: But to be... to be a year after the wedding, you must first have the wedding! You can't begin now a year after the wedding! (all laughing)

Rebbe (addressing Mrs. Jacobs): Do you have someone for him?

Mrs. Jacobs: No.

Rebbe (addressing Rabbi Jacobs): Have you begun looking around?

Rabbi Jacobs: One in Kfar Chabad, but it was nothing.

Rebbe: What are your plans, to look here, or in Kfar Chabad, eretz Yisroel ?

Rabbi Jacobs: I asked the Rebbe shli"ta what would be the best thing. I spoke with Moshkeh Neparstok (head mashpiah in Kfar Chabad Rabbinical school), and expressed to him that my parents want me to stay in America for a while. I haven't seen them for a few years while I was in Kfar Chabad. I asked the Rebbe shli"ta, to stay here for a few weeks, until Shavuot and maybe study here. However I don't see a good shiur (class) here. The question is whether to look for a shiduch here or return to Kfar Chabad?

Rebbe: If your parents don't have anyone special for you, I believe it will be easy for you to find a shidduch in eretz Yisroel. How many years have you been in eretz Yisroel now?

Rabbi Jacobs: Almost three years.

Rebbe: Three years! Then I assume you have many friends in eretz Yisroel, and friends from your studies who are now married and live in eretz Yisroel. It makes sense, in the natural course of things, that it will be easier for you to find a proper Shidduch in eretz Yisroel than here. It is a custom amongst Jews to give a Jew a shlichus for Tzedakoh (mission for charity), and I would like to give each of you a dollar to which you will give its equal to tzedakoh. I give you my blessings, and all good things necessary.
Good Shabbos.
Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Rebbetzin Chana "Regards to Your Husband From me"

"I received your letter on time. I read with pleasure how your things are going well. I am happy that your life, in particular, and the work in general are proceeding well"

-Rebbetzin Chana

In honor of Vov (6th) Tishrei, the Yartzeit Of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson the Rebbe's mother, I would like to present a beautiful hand written letter that Rebbetzin Chana wrote to Mr. Ester Alperin a"h the director of the Rebbe's Shluchim to Brazil Who sheared a very special and unique relationship with the Rebbetzin. See attachment and translation of the letter enclosed. Special thanks to Rabbi Yossi Alperin. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (Part 82 in the series). Many thanks to Rabbi Michoel Seligson and Rabbi Asher Lowenstein.

The Letter Translated to English

B"H 7th Teves 5722, Brooklyn, NY

Dear Ester,

Peace and Blessings!

I received your letter on time. I read with pleasure how your things are going well. I am happy that your life, in particular, and the work in general are proceeding well. Let us hope that you will continue to succeed in all matters. I request that you write in the future in detail how your time has been spent and everything,

With a blessing for Kol tuv I will conclude,

Chana Schneerson

Regards to your husband the Rav Shlita.
The Letter Transliterated

Yom Hei zayin teves tof shin Chof Bais Brooklyn Ny.

Ester nichbada umehulala tichye

Sholom Uvrocho.

Ayer briv hob ich zaiten bakumen ich hob mit fargenign geleyent ud"g (un dos gleichn) vi es geit bei eich mit hatzlocho Es freit mir vos ayer lebn bifrat un di arbet bichlal geit on gut Lomir hofn oif vaiter zolt ir mazliach zein bechol haprotim Ich bet shreibn gam al lehabo biprotiyus vi es is durchgegangen di zait in alz.

Bebirchs kol toiv, asayem, du"sh (doreshes shlomom) Ch. Sh.
das"h (drishas shalom) lebaalech harav shlita

Picture Description: the Rebbe Davening in the upstairs Zal in 770 in the late 1960's.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Doctor "Rebbe Do You Feel Pain Around your Heart"

"In the middle of the fourth Hakofo the Rebbe didn't feel well and became very pale. The Rebbe asked me to bring his chair closer and sat down caressing his heart."
-Rabbi Groner

Rosh Chodesh Kislev marks the day that the Rebbe left 770 and went home after suffering a severe heart attack on Simchas Torah. In honor of this day, I would like to present part of a diary one of the Rebbe's secretaries wrote describing how they realized the Rebbe has the heart attack. Special thanks to Efraim Levine.

The Heart Attack

"In the middle of the fourth Hakofo the Rebbe didn't feel well and became very pale. The Rebbe asked me to bring his chair closer and sat down caressing his heart. I immediately asked that the doctors who were there to come over but the Rebbe did not let them check him. Meanwhile they brought the Rebbe water but he didn't want to drink it saying that he had not yet made Kiddush.

In the interim between the fifth and sixth Hakofo the Rebbe sat down but during the fifth and sixth Hakofos themselves he stood leaning on his "stender."

The doctor asked the Rebbe if he feels pain around his heart and the Rebbe answered, yes. The doctor asked "does the pain feel like a hammer pounding or like needles pricking? The Rebbe replied "like needles pricking.
I am Not Going To The Hospital

"The Rebbe went out of his room and entered the Succa, but sat down immediately and his face turned yellow from pain. The doctor told the Rebbetzin that such pain comes from a heart attack. A few minutes passed and the Rebbe stood up and made Kiddush. He washed and ate only a "kezayis challa", a small piece of fish and meat. Afterwards, he “bentched” and went back to his room.

When he entered his room he said to me: "Now the doctors can do what ever they want." Meanwhile, a bed was brought down from upstairs and the Rebbe is resting on the bed. The doctors examined the Rebbe and unanimously said that the Rebbe must go to the hospital immediately because to remain here is a matter of life or death. The Rebbe responded by saying that under no circumstances will he go to the hospital.

In the meantime several heart specialists arrived in the Rebbe's room and they also said that the Rebbe must go to the hospital. But the Rebbe told me: "Tell them that I will not budge from 770 and if something has to happen let it happen in 770…"
I won't be there

Towards the evening the Rebbe told me that there certainly will be a farbrengen Simchas Torah as every year, therefore, I should go downstairs in middle of the farbrengen and give over in my name: "Even though now there is a vacant spot this only prepares the way to enable this space to be filled even more than before. As with a syringe first one has to create a vacuum only that can the syringe be later filled. G-d's intention behind his self-concealment is for the sake of future self-revelation." Tell this to Reb Yoel and ask him to expound it at length according to Chassidus."

When I informed the Rebbe that I gave over his words and that Reb Yoel was now elaborating on it to the crowd, he told me: Take the cup of wine that I made Kiddush over it and the bottle of wine – give it to Rabbi Mentlik, and after Birchas Hamazon and the Maariv services he should distribute it among the participants. And tell them that after Maariv there will be another announcement!


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Hey Teves: The Rebbe, a Bachur, and Eli Weisel

"Chassidim from Crown Heights began crowding at 770. A bunch of mitzvah tanks were driving around playing 'Didan Notzach'"

-From a Student's Diary

In honor of the twentieth anniversary of Hey Taves, I would like to present some interesting accounts related to the events that led to the Rebbe's library being returned to the Chassidim.and interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 51.

The lawyers who represented the Rebbe met with the Rebbe before the actual case. The following is a part of what was discussed in this first meeting:

"The first thing the Rebbe stressed was that the lawyers make it clear that books are not a personal heritage of the previous Rebbe and this should be explained and should be understood according to "human logic." The Rebbe stressed many times that their desire to dedicate themselves to the Rebbe's will should be in line with nature, and the society's system. The Rebbe told them, "I want you to do your work - not as a Chassid, but as a lawyer."

When the news came to 770 that we won the court case, everyone was elated. The following is from a diary of a student who was learning in 770:

"When the news came that we won the court case, it was 11:40 in the morning and we were sitting in the upstairs Zal (study hall). For me, to picture what went on in these moments is impossible. We all when outside 770 and began dancing and singing 'Didan Notzach.' Before I knew it, Bachurim got handle of bottles of Mashke and guys were dancing and making flips!

Chassidim from Crown Heights began crowding at 770. A bunch of mitzvah tanks were driving around playing 'Didan Notzach' on the loud speakers. When the Rebbe's secretaries came out of the Rebbe's room, there was tremendous joy on their faces. Piamenta and Eli Lipsker were playing with their bands. In the middle of the dancing, someone got up and made the bracha of Shehechiyanu."

During the court case, part of the testimonies involved defining the Rebbe-Chassid relationship (it was important for understanding ownership of the books). There were three people chosen to participate and get the message across that the Rebbe and Chassid are intimately connected. One of the three was Eli Wiesel. The following is an excerpt from his testimony:

"Strangely enough, the choice of (involvement) is made by the Chassid and not the Rebbe. It is not the Rebbe who chooses the Chassid. It is the Chassid who chooses the Rebbe. But once the choice is made, it is boundless. It is total loyalty. And therefore, the Rebbe owes the Chassid total loyalty. So, for the community, the Rebbe must have total generosity and compassion. Also, he has even more responsibility. That's why he is a Rebbe."


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "My Brother Passed Away At a Young Age"

"You knew my brother very well; tell me something you remember about him." (After sharing many different memorable things with the Rebbe that I experienced with his brother Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib.). The Rebbe then told me: "He had a very Good head, and a very good memory. He passed away at a young age, it's a pity"

-Professor Yackov Cohen

In honor of Yud Gimmel Iyar, The Yartzeit of the Rebbe's brother- Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib, I would like to present memories from Professor Yackov Cohen, who was very close to Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib. Also included is an interesting pictures of the Rebbe, part 65. I would like to give a Yasher Koach to Rabbi Levi Garelik who took upon himself to write a brief description on every week's picture.

Professor Yackov Cohen Relates:

I am not here to add or say anything new regarding the "Schneerson children" (referring to the Rebbe and his brothers) in regards to how brilliant and talented they are. Besides their knowledge in Torah and Chassidus, they have a tremendous knowledge in mathematics and in other secular studies. I would like to share a conversation that I had with Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib regarding the Atom bomb. the conversation took place in a Library in Tel Aviv in which he served as one of the Librarian's until he moved to Liverpool, England:

I remember when in Israel all of the newspapers had different write-ups on the Atom bomb. I asked Yisroel Aryeh Leib his opinion on whether or not it was a good thing. His reply was as follows:

"Yackov The fact that the Atom bomb was revealed can bring destruction to humanity. If one time it will end up in the wrong hands, it can bring terrible destruction to the world. Once it goes off - there is absolutely no control over it."

He concluded. "I therefore don't know whether or not the fact that it was revealed is a Bracha to the world, or an extremely dangerous invention."

The picture of the Rebbe:

Lag B'Omer parade 5744 (1984).

Good Shabbos.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "I Want That Two and Half Million Yidden"

"I want that two and half million Yidden which never put on Tefillin to put on -as an outcome of the war, that's the most important message that I am trying to convey to Yiddin in Eretz Yisroel"

-The Rebbe

This Shabbos will mark forty years to Mivtsa Tefillin (the Tefillin campaign). The Rebbe saw the heart of his nation open wide. It was a biblical moment; an opportunity of cosmic proportions, and the Rebbe urged Jewish leaders to respond, and speak about returning to Jewish traditions and they will listen, ask them to don Tefillin and they will roll up their sleeves...The Rebbe wanted the Six Day War to be a Jewish victory. I would like to present a fascinating diary written by a Yeshiva student that went to visit an army base to put on Tefillin with soldiers during the war. Also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 66. With a description.

"I had left my apartment at 10:00 a.m . I was traveling in an armored car. As we got closer and closer to the army base, which were going to put Tefillin on the IDF. Soldiers who were fighting on the front lines, I began to say Tefilat Haderech (special traveler's prayer).

I must be honest, I have said Tefilat Haderech many times before, but the feeling that I had on this trip, seeing around me, buildings blown up, deserted street,etc…especially reading the words "I should be saved from my enemies, I should return in peace", I just could not help, but pray with so much fervor as ever before!

So, why did I decide to undertake such a "risky" trip? Because that is what the Rebbe wants from us, to put Tefillin on with the soldiers on the front lines.

After a couple of hours of driving, we finally got to the base. As we got out of the car, I was holding my Tefillin and Tehilim in my hand when I cheerfully announced "who would like to put on Tefillin? Within minutes, soldiers lined up and patiently waited for their turn. Each soldier had his sleeve rolled up ready to perform this beautiful mitzvah (good deed). As each one of them approached us, they had a great smile on their face and thanked us for giving them the merit of such a grate opportunity.

Words can't describe how powerful the Shema Yisroel is for each individual soldier! I truly witnessed for the first time in my life, how deeply connected all Yidden of all walks of life, are to Hashem. The tears of joy on every soldier's face while reciting the Shema was so moving!

What really touched me the most from this whole experience was that they just performed such a beautiful mitzvah in such a natural and spontaneous way!

Their were a couple of soldiers though, that told us "We heard that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that every Jew, especially those serving in the IDF., should put on Tefillin and in the merit of doing so, it will guard them and help them succeed in destroying their enemies" Then, they concluded "did you even have a doubt that we would not do so (another words not put on Tefillin)?!!

Picture description: The Rebbe Davening by a Children's Rally during the summer of 1976.

Good Shabbos.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "I Will Explain What a Rebbe is"

"Whenever I would see the Rebbe, he touched the depth in me. That is true of every person who came to see the Rebbe. Somehow, when the person left, he or she felt that they had lived deeper and higher, on a higher level, on a deeper sense of life and a quest for life and meaning."

-Elie Wiesel

What is a Rebbe? Why dose every Yid have to be connected to a Rebbe? I would like to present a very powerful Yechidus of the Rebbe where the Rebbe spelled out to supporter of Chabad at that time a description of what his Role is as Rebbe. also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 60.

Question: The Rebbe's energy is so instrumental in helping us serve Hashem properly, how is it possible that we still have free will?

The Rebbe: The Torah says (regarding Moshe Rabbeinu): "I stand between G-d and the Jewish people," because connecting directly with G-d is a challenge, the Yidden pleaded with Hashem to place an intermediary between the Yidden and G-d.

Each generation has its own Moshe Rabbeinu.

To understand this from a worldly prospective: when a regular person has an appointment to speak with the king, it is such a momentous occasion that in preparation for, even a brief audience, the person wears brand new clothes and will buy new shoes. He will need to know in advance what to speak about and more importantly how to speak to a king. How does such a person prepare himself? He contacts an official or a lawmaker who is intricately familiar with the laws and customs of speaking to a king, and who will advise him on how to get a message across to a king.

The same applies spiritually: Hashem intended for you to get involved in a specific type of business through which you became, baruch Hashem, very wealthy. Now your avodah is also to give Tzdakah. There are times during the year, like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, when it is relatively easy for a yid to communicate directly with Hashem. However, reaching G-d on your own on a regular basis is a very difficult task. One goes to a Tzadik who knows how to speak to G-d and this Tzadik communicates on your behalf.

Regarding your question of free will: A wealthy and respectable person who wants to build a house still needs to find a contractor who will actually do the work, an architect to make the blue-prints etc., he will have to find someone specific for each detail of the house. In building a house it is impossible for one person to do everything.

It is true that there may be some people who are wealthy and they are also contractors themselves and this person can build a house on their own, but only a select few individuals can do all things involved in building a house.

When this wealthy person builds a house, the fact that he relies on various different people, with different professions, doesn't mean that his image as a wealthy and respectful person is diminished. Rather, one needs money to pay other professionals to do the various tasks and without money, he indeed would not get anywhere.

The same in spirituality: a yid who is occupied with business and with giving charity still needs a Tzadik for help. On his own, a Yid does not have sufficient merits; he therefore needs the Tzadik to elevate him closer to Hashem.

For example: how do you connect a Yid here in Brooklyn who gives money in order to help free a Yid in Russia? How a can a Yid in Russia give someone a part in a mitzvah? The same thing regarding a Yid from here who gives money, enabling a Yid in Tel Aviv to put on Tefillin, how are those two people connected?

The Rebbe concluded: the fact that the Yid from here is connected to me and the Yid who is in Russia is also connected to me, and I know how to speak to the above, I connect both of these Yiddin together.

"I am a physical human being like you it is just that Hashem gave me the strength that I can help out Yidin"

Open the picture…..


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbetzin "What Exactly did my Husband say to You?"

"Somebody once said to the Rebbetzin that she and the Rebbe should merit to enjoy much N achas from the Chassidim. The Rebbetzin responded by saying, "Our N achas is when we hear that you have Nachas …

-Rabbi Halberstam

I would like to present a conversation that Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka A"H (the Rebbe's wife) had with a librarian at a library in Manhattan. Special thanks to Rabbi Shmuel Lew. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 78 in the series).

"The Rebbetzin often visited a library in Manhattan. Many years ago, she went to the library and presented her card. The librarian saw the name on it and asked,

"Are you related to the famous Rebbe in Brooklyn?"

The Rebbetzin said she was. "How are you related?" "He is my husband," said the Rebbetzin.

The librarian began to complain to her about the Rebbe. She said that she had no children and "with great effort, I went to the Rebbe two years ago and asked him for a Bracha for a child. The Rebbe blessed me and said I needed to commit to some Mitzva, since a blessing is like rain and it needs a vessel to hold it. I told the Rebbe I would light candles Friday night. Two years have gone by and I still haven't had a child!"

The Rebbetzin calmed her down and said, "I don't have children either." The librarian burst into tears and said, "I'm sorry, but I'm a Holocaust survivor and I was in concentration camps, and I am the sole survivor of my family. That's why it's so important to me to have children, so that the family will live on."

The Rebbetzin asked, "What exactly did my husband say to you?" The librarian answered, "He said I should light Shabbos candles." "Are you doing so?" "Yes!" "How do you do it?" inquired

the Rebbetzin. "Every Friday I light candles when my husband comes home from work, around seven-eight o'clock." The Rebbetzin explained that Shabbos candles must be lit before sunset. "Commit to lighting the Shabbos candles properly," she suggested. The librarian agreed to do so and ten months later she had a son. She stayed in touch with the Rebbetzin and even visited her.

Good Shabbos


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

"The Rebbe's Face Shone with Tremendous Joy"

"Later that evening Rabbi's Cunin and Aharonov farbrenged upstairs in 770. During the farbrengen they revealed some details that the Rebbe had spoken to them in Yechidus."

-From a students diary, August, 1991.

In 1991, the Russian government began to open up many archives that had been kept secret from the time of the communists. Several Chabad rabbis engaged in vigorous efforts to obtain documents which related to Chabad and its leaders. Among the things they managed to obtain were the files describing the treatment and interrogation of the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson. On the 4th of Elul 5751 Rabbi Shlomo Cunin and Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Aharonov presented to the Rebbe the protocols of the sessions that the K.G.B had held with the Rebbe's father.

The two were called into a surprise Yechidus by the Rebbe (which lasted 6 minutes!). Following the Yechidus they spent the rest of the evening farbrenging in the small study hall upstairs in 770. They related some of what they were told in the private audience with the Rebbe. I would like to present a part of what the Rebbe discussed with them in the Yechidus, along with parts of the interrogations from the protocols.

Rabbis Cunin and Aharonov relate what the Rebbe had spoken to them in Yechidus after they presented to the Rebbe his father files:

"The Rebbe's face shone with tremendous joy. We gave the Rebbe the file and he began looking through it. He then began a discussion on Pidyon Shvuyim (the redemption of captives), and said regarding Pidyon Shvuyim (the books) - we must return them at once… this is of great importance! The Rebbe then asked about Mrs. Veronica, the lawyer who was active in returning the books. Concluding the Yechidus, the Rebbe then said that the next file will come with Moshiach Tzsidkenu! (Amen!)"

Excerpts from the fie of Reb Levik's Testimony to the K.G.B:

Interrogator: Where is your family relative Joseph Schneerson?

Reb Levik: He is in Poland.

Interrogator: What is his business there?

Reb Levik: I don't know.

Interrogator: Do you have correspondence with Joseph Schneerson?

Reb Levik: From time to time (mostly before the high holidays) I would bless him and he would bless me. But the correspondence stopped six years ago.

Interrogator: From which countries did you receive letters of blessings from him?

Reb Levik: I don't remember; Poland or Riga.

Interrogator: Why are you avoiding from answering the truth?

Reb Levik: I am not trying to avoid anything, I will repeat myself again: I do not remember from were these letters came.

Interrogator: Did you ever get a visa to leave Soviet Union?

Reb Levik: In the year of 1924 or 1925 I got an invitation from Palestine with a request to serve as the Rabbi of Jerusalem; I refused the offer.

Picture description: a Chanukah Rally in early 1970's

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "When Tragedy Strikes"

"Rabbi Klein (one of the Rebbe's secretaries) called me and my wife the next morning and told us that the Rebbe wants us to publicize the answer that was given to us the day before, in regards to our daughter's passing"

-Dr. Gearman

In regards with the terrible tragedy this week where the life of 32 students where taken from this world, amongst them a very special Yiddishe Neshama Professor Liviu Librescu. I would like to present an answer the Rebbe gave to parents of a young girl Miriam, who at six years old was killed in a car accident in Berkley , California (Erev Pesach 1989). Following the death, the parents wrote a long letter to the Rebbe with many different questions regarding the nature of these types of tragedies. The Rebbe's response did more than comfort – it provided a new focus to the mourning family. also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 64.

This e-mail is dedicated to my brother and Sister-In-Law in honor of honor of their new born baby.

1. A person cannot say with certainty that he clearly knows Hashem's intentions, (except for a prophet who was instructed by Hashem to reveal it).

2. For everything that happens in today's day in age, we can find its example in the past. ( In Midrashim of Chazal, with additional different interpretations for different events), At times, the specifics of an incident today, we can explain with an event or an explanation of an event in the past.

4 .With regards to Miriam, it stands out that she passed away on a high note, in a manner that Torah Emes commands that is forbidden to mourn her in a Shiva, except for a few moments and similarly with regards to the Shloshim [due to the fact that it was Erev yom tov].

5 .All Neshamos (Souls) of the present come down as a continuation of a previous Gilgul ( Reincarnation) in order to complete what was missing before it came down, (in totality or partially).

6 .Those who are Nistalek (pass on) before their obligation to do Mitzvos, it is because they are here in this world to complete the number of years that they needed to be in this world. (Even though this is an exception, in general everyone needs to live 70-80, up to 120 years)

7 .If Miriam needed to complete the number of years she needed to be in this world, and then go immediately into Gan Eden, its understood that the parents should not be saddened that this Pesach that she parted she was in Gan Eden and according to this, its also understood that they needed according to Torah Emes to be in true Simcha on Pesach.

8. Especially since she (Mrs. Gearman) and her husband, gave their child a childhood that was mostly filled with Good, materially and spiritually all her years.

Good Shabbos.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "If You Ask Me What’s Considered a Big Thing"

The Donor: "I am very pleased with the Rebbe's suggestion, but as I mentioned I would like to donate the money for a "big cause!"

-A Supporter of Chabad

I would like to present a very interesting conversation that a Donor which wanted to donate a large some of money to Chabad had with the Rebbe. Also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 63. Special thanks to Rabbi Y. Heller and Rabbi Seligson.

The Donor: "I have a large some of money that I would like to give to Tzedaka but I would like to give it for a big cause."

The Rebbe: "You should give it to Yiddin (Shluchim) in Eretz Yisroel who are distributing Shmura Matzah to other Yiddin who live in Eretz Yisroel."

The Donor: "I am very pleased with the Rebbe's suggestion, but as I mentioned I would like to donate the money for a "big cause!" The Rebbe then repeated a second time that it should go for Yiddin giving out Shmura Matzah in Eretz Yisroel."

The Donor: my intention to make something big means a big building -something that will last.

The Rebbe: "if you would like to build big buildings, in communities they build big buildings. But if you ask me what's considered a big thing? The answer is when you give another Yid Shmura matza, which is the bread of belief and the bread which heals"

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

“But what About the Jewish Soldiers Around the Corner?”

"Yes," said Chaim. "I would like to conduct religious services for the Jewish personnel."

- Rabbi Chaim Jacobs

The following is In Connection with the forty years of the Rebbe's Mivtza Tefillin. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe. Part 66 of the series. This is a tale about a gentle lad named Chaim Jacobs who came from England in the early '60's to study in 770 as told to Rabbi Ari Kirschenbaum - Shliach of the Rebbe to Prospect Heights Brooklyn by Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz, Rav Cong. Kol Israel of Prospect Heights.

"One Shabbos afternoon, he entered a storefront Shul on Rogers Ave corner Crown Street, engaged a discussion with one of its congregants named Elkanah Schwartz and asked to speak at the Seudas Shlishis. He did, and continued to do so for many months. Two blocks over on Rogers Ave between President and Carroll Streets was the Young Israel of Botanic Gardens, which later appointed Rabbi Schwartz as its Rav.

That year, Hoshanah Rabbah came on a Sunday, and when Rabbi Schwartz arrived at the Young Israel that morning, he was greeted by a pleasant surprise: six handsome Jewish young men in military fatigues. Around the corner from the Shul, on Bedford Ave between President and Union Streets, stood an armory, used on weekends by the National Guard. Mr. Don Hairenson, a schoolteacher, who was a member of the Young Israel, had gone earlier into the armory, approached the commanding officer telling him it was a Jewish holiday and that a synagogue around the corner was holding services, and asked if Jewish personnel can be excused to join him. The CO announced that Jewish personnel were free to go the synagogue.

The six young men were naturally treated royally. They were given seats of honor and benched over the Arba Minim. One was called to the Torah, and after services, all six joined the Rabbi in the Succah.

Some time later, Chaim Jacobs met Rabbi Schwartz and greeted him with a special smile. "You know," said Chaim, "some bochurim from 770 went this week to Fort Benning, Georgia, to put teffillin on Jewish soldiers."

"That's very nice," said Rabbi Schwartz, "but what about the Jewish soldiers around the corner?"

Some time later came the Six Day War, and in its wake the Rebbe's Teffillin campaign. Chaim was one of the many stalwart soldiers who grabbed Tifillin and fanned out across bus and train terminals, airports, shopping malls, campuses, and other population centers. However, Chaim was a gentle lad, forever jostled out of the way by others with elbows. He turned to 770, eager to serve but finding no available target/outlet.

Then, a thought: he remembered the story Rabbi Schwartz told him. He tucked his Tifillin under his arm, and trekked the five blocks to Bedford Avenue , making a left and going the block-and-a-half to the huge doors of the armory. He entered, and was immediately interrogated and asked: "Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes," said Chaim to the uniformed officer. "I would like to speak with the commanding officer."
"Come this way," the other, said, and Chaim followed. Soon he was facing the CO, who asked, "Can I help you, sir?"

"Yes," said Chaim. "I would like to conduct religious services for the Jewish personnel."

"Follow me," the CO, said, and Chaim followed him into the cavernous room where hundreds of men in uniform were doing all kinds of activities. The CO announced over the booming PA system: "There is a Rabbi here to conduct religious services. Any Jewish personnel who want to join him are free to do so." Immediately, a sizeable group of men dropped what they were doing, and walked over to Chaim. The CO graciously gave them a large room for the services.

A week later, Chaim was back. Each week of the month, there were different guardsmen, and each week he found many willing Jews to join him. Chaim had no choice: he recruited other bachurim. Gentle Chaim, shoved aside in the quest to fulfill the Rebbe's mivtzah, now found himself not only with his own targets, but also with needing help!

Summer arrived, and the guardsmen went to boot camp for two weeks. By arrangement Chaim and nine other bachurim stood in front of 770 one morning at 5:00am when two military hummers stopped for them. For two hours they drove, arriving at 7:00am at the camp just as the CO was ready to dismiss the men. The CO announced that ten Rabbis just arrived to conduct religious services, and whoever wanted, could join them. A few hundred young men came forward.

Back at the armory some weeks later, the CO approached Chaim. "Rabbi," he said, "there's another armory a few blocks away, on Bedford and Atlantic Ave, that has more Jewish personnel then we do."

So the following Sunday, Chaim sent a crew of bochurim to look after the armory near Union Street, while he took another crew with him to the new armory. Indeed, there were more Jews there then in the first place.

And so it went. Eventually, the commanding officer of the National Guard for the State of New York sent a memorandum to the CO's of every unit throughout the state, advising them they could arrange for religious services for their Jewish personnel by contacting Rabbi Chaim Jacobs at 770! Indeed, "the stone that was despised by the builders became the chief cornerstone."

Some years later, Rabbi Chaim Jacobs became the Rebbe's Shliach to Glasgow, Scotland, where he still carries on, now ably assisted by his son, Rabbi Mendel Jacobs.

Picture description: The picture was taken by a New York Times Photographer during the winter of 1992.

Good Shabbos.
Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Rebbe "Jewish Lives Would have Been Saved"

"It is part of the Rebbe's greatness that he knows whom to send where and when. Not all their accomplishments have been made public. Some must remain secret. When they will be revealed--soon, I hope --they will surely increase the existing admiration for the Rebbe's vision"

-Reb Yoel Kahan

I would like to present parts of a Yechidus (private audience) of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon with the Rebbe, on Sivan 24 1968. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 81 in the series). Special thanks to Rabbi Asher Lowenstein.
I would like to dedicate this email to a close friend of mine Yitzchok Daniel Ben Shulamit who is serving in the IDF, and was one of the 65 soldiers who were wounded from last night's Kassam rocket attack.

The Rebbe and Sharon met on several occasions, discussing both personal and political matters. This particular meeting was long and the topics varied greatly. In order to give a little bit of an idea of what these meetings were like, I would like to first list some of the remarkable topics that were discussed, followed by a fascinating conversation.

· The Rebbe expressed his feeling at the awful manner in which the army entered the Old City, causing many lives to be unnecessarily lost.

· Sharon told the Rebbe how amazed he was by the incredible effect that the tefillin campaign had had.

The Rebbe was interested in the details of Israel's battle in Sinai and how the fighting had ended there.

Sharon: What is the Rebbe's opinion on "Operation Karameh"? [Karameh is a small town in Jordan which housed the headquarters of Arafat's Fatah movement. In March 1968, Israel raided the town to try to stop the guerrilla attacks which were being launched from there. Israel was forced to retreat under heavy fire after 28 soldiers were killed.]

"The operation itself was a very good thing," replied the Rebbe. "The fundamental mistake was that too much notice was given before the army came in. Without that notice many Jewish lives would have been saved, as a result of the operation. And there would have not been so many casualties on our side."

Sharon wondered, "If the IDF conducts more operation in Arab villages should we hold on to the land, thereby expanding our borders?"

"No," the Rebbe answered. "But Israel must respond forcefully to any action or fire that will come from the Arabs. And they should not wait before responding."

Sharon continued, "Sholomo Maydanchik visits me quite often, wearing his work clothes from 'Rakevet Israel' (Israel's train service). I am always very impressed and touched when he comes dressed that way. He has a greater influence on me than all the rabbis that come to see me." (He told the Rebbe about other chassidim from Kfar Chabad that come to see him and how much they inspire him. He added that he had recently found out that his mother is rooted was descended from a Chabad family.)

"Nu," responded the Rebbe. "Now that you have taken the first steps to your return to Yiddishkeit, you should continue all the way."

"Perhaps," asked Sharon, "the Rebbe can come and visit Israel? Many Jews will be inspired by the visit."

"I, too, hope that the time will come for that!" the Rebbe replied.

(Sharon presented to the Rebbe a photograph with an aerial view of the old city of Jerusalem along with a similar picture of the new city. The Rebbe was very happy to receive the pictures.)

Picture Description: The Rebbe standing at his office window watching a Children's Rally on Chol Hamoed Sukkot 1957.

K'siva Vachasima Tova,


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Rebbe "To Dispose of Any Such Absurdity"

"My conscious self cannot know, much less describe, what the Rebbe placed within me during these encounters. The incomprehensible ways he affected me; the life, inspiration, courage and commitment with which I left these brief meetings changed my life more than any human could ever expect a life to change"

-Jay Litvin

I would like to present a very unique Letter of the Rebbe written to a group of people that had a weekly Shiur in Manhattan in the early 194'0s open the attachment. (Read below a brief history behind this very special letter). Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 80 in the series). Special thanks Rabbi Asher Lowenstein.

What follows is a rare and unpublicized letter. It was graciously provided by Rabbi Sholom Ber Shapiro, who is eager to share the incredible archive in his possession, comprising invaluable letters from the collection of his father-in-law, Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel, z"l, confidant and personal secretary of the Previous Rebbe and the Rebbe.

A Brief history of the Attached Letter of the Rebbe

In 1944 a doctor in Manhattan, Elchonon Cohen, hosted a weekly Shiur in his waiting room. The class would touch on various topics relating to Judaism and was taught by Alexander Cowen, a gentleman who was close to the Previous Rebbe. Among the people who would regularly attend was Dr. Nissan Mindel.

At the classes the participants would become very involved in the questions that were raised, and they would stay after the classes to discuss the matters. Dr. Mindel, too, would participate in these discussions and try to answer the questions.

When, at times, Dr. Mindel felt that he could not adequately resolve the issues raised by Mr. Cowen or the other participants, he would convey the question to the Rebbe in writing.
The following letter is the Rebbe's response to one of Dr. Mindel's inquiries.

Picture description: the Rebbe coming into 770 in the early 197'0s.

Good Shabbos and a Kesiva Vachasima Tova.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Rebbe "How is Angelo Doing"

"This is the Rebbe's greatness: he loved and he inspired others to love. He cared, and he inspired others to care. He had great faith that the Almighty would provide all the resources necessary to do His will, and he transmitted this faith to others"

-Mel Wacks

I would like to present a beautiful encounter that a non-Jewish girl had with the Rebbe. Special thanks to Rabbi Shabsi Alpern for sharing this encounter. and to Rabbi Asher Lowenstein . Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 79 in the series).

"In earlier years when I had first arrived in Brazil, the Chabad House would host a Shiur every Tuesday evening. Often, we would have non-Jews attend this Shiur. One non-Jewish couple in particular would appear week after week.

After one of the shiurim I approached them and asked what had attracted them to explore Judaism. Why were they so interested? The mother explained: "My daughter, Angelo, is only eleven years old; the doctors have found a harmful growth in her back. We hear that there is a great rabbi in Brooklyn who is known to give effectual blessings. We are anxious to meet this rabbi; perhaps he will give a blessing that will heal our daughter."

I decided to write a letter to the Rebbe on their behalf and ask for a Bracha for Angelo. Weeks went by after the letter had been sent to New York, and this couple still did not miss a Shiur. When I arrived at the Shiur one week, I sensed a jubilant atmosphere in the room. Angelo's parents quickly explained: "We just went for a checkup, and the doctors were shocked to see that the entire growth had disappeared."

That year I went to New York for Yud Bais Tamuz, to see the Rebbe. I was to leave for Brazil on a Monday. On Sunday afternoon, someone told me that Rabbi Groner (one of the Rebbe's secretaries) was looking for me. Rabbi Groner gave me a small "tzetel" from the Rebbe that said: " Ma shlom hayalda v'hahemshech la'ze?" - "How is the girl doing and what was the result?" I immediately felt terrible that I did not write to the Rebbe to let him know that Angelo had recovered.

I sat right down by Rabbi Quint's (on of the Rebbe's secretaries) table and wrote a letter to the Rebbe describing all the details regarding Angelo's health. As I finished writing down the details, I turned over the "tzetel" that I had received from the Rebbe asking "How is the girl?" and I realized that it was my own handwriting on the other side. On the same letter that I had first written to the Rebbe about the girl, the Rebbe had torn a piece of the letter and answered me. I was astonished that the Rebbe had kept my letter all that time, waiting to hear the fate of the non-Jewish Brazilian girl!

When I returned to Brazil, I spoke to Angelo's mother and informed her that the great rabbi from Brooklyn had asked about her daughter. Curiously, she wanted to know what day the Rebbe had inquired. When I told her that it was Sunday, she was flabbergasted and excitedly blurted out: "Now I know why the Rebbe waited until Sunday; this past Sunday was Angelo's twelfth birthday!"

Picture description: In a very rare instance the Rebbe agreed to be photographed together with Mr. Weingarten of London England, following a "Yechidus". Thanks to Rabbi Yanki Baitleman for the details.

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "I Want That Two and Half Million Yidden"

"I want that two and half million Yidden which never put on Tefillin to put on -as an outcome of the war, that's the most important message that I am trying to convey to Yiddin in Eretz Yisroel"

-The Rebbe

This Shabbos will mark forty years to Mivtsa Tefillin (the Tefillin campaign). The Rebbe saw the heart of his nation open wide. It was a biblical moment; an opportunity of cosmic proportions, and the Rebbe urged Jewish leaders to respond, and speak about returning to Jewish traditions and they will listen, ask them to don Tefillin and they will roll up their sleeves...The Rebbe wanted the Six Day War to be a Jewish victory. I would like to present a fascinating diary written by a Yeshiva student that went to visit an army base to put on Tefillin with soldiers during the war. Also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 66. With a description.

"I had left my apartment at 10:00 a.m . I was traveling in an armored car. As we got closer and closer to the army base, which were going to put Tefillin on the IDF. Soldiers who were fighting on the front lines, I began to say Tefilat Haderech (special traveler's prayer).

I must be honest, I have said Tefilat Haderech many times before, but the feeling that I had on this trip, seeing around me, buildings blown up, deserted street,etc…especially reading the words "I should be saved from my enemies, I should return in peace", I just could not help, but pray with so much fervor as ever before!

So, why did I decide to undertake such a "risky" trip? Because that is what the Rebbe wants from us, to put Tefillin on with the soldiers on the front lines.

After a couple of hours of driving, we finally got to the base. As we got out of the car, I was holding my Tefillin and Tehilim in my hand when I cheerfully announced "who would like to put on Tefillin? Within minutes, soldiers lined up and patiently waited for their turn. Each soldier had his sleeve rolled up ready to perform this beautiful mitzvah (good deed). As each one of them approached us, they had a great smile on their face and thanked us for giving them the merit of such a grate opportunity.

Words can't describe how powerful the Shema Yisroel is for each individual soldier! I truly witnessed for the first time in my life, how deeply connected all Yidden of all walks of life, are to Hashem. The tears of joy on every soldier's face while reciting the Shema was so moving!

What really touched me the most from this whole experience was that they just performed such a beautiful mitzvah in such a natural and spontaneous way!

Their were a couple of soldiers though, that told us "We heard that the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that every Jew, especially those serving in the IDF., should put on Tefillin and in the merit of doing so, it will guard them and help them succeed in destroying their enemies" Then, they concluded "did you even have a doubt that we would not do so (another words not put on Tefillin)?!!

Picture description: The Rebbe Davening by a Children's Rally during the summer of 1976.

Good Shabbos.


Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "Abraham Joshua Heschel is Writing Now"

"The Mets... The Yankees we were so into it. But from March 19, 1940 the day the Rebbe arrived in New York everything changed forever"

-Rabbi Y.D. Groner

I would like to present two encounters with the Rebbe from the early 1940's, the encounters are related by Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner (Melbourne Australia). And Rabbi J.J. Hecht of blessed memory. Also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 67. This e-mail is dedicated to Aron Meir Shloush in honor of his Engagement.
Rabbi J.J. Hecht of blessed memory Relates:

I remember one morning I Received a phone call from the Rebbe. The Rebbe asked me "where you in the Mikvah today?" I answered yes. Then the Rebbe asked me "do you have a Gartel?" I answered yes. The Rebbe then told me "come to the office please" I came to the Rebbe's office and the Rebbe told me the following:

Professor Abraham Joshua Heschel wants to write an essay on the Bal Shem Tov, he asked the Rebbe (the Previous Rebbe) if the Rebbe can show him the Bal Shem Tov's Siddur, and more specifically the page in the siddur that has two drops of blood on it.

The Rebbe then continued and said:

"I would not go and touch this Siddur on my own, but because the Rebbe ( referring to the Previous Rebbe) told me to show it to Professor Heschel, I would like to give you the honor to see it also. The Rebbe flipped thru the pages and showed me the page with the two drops of blood on it and let me hold the Siddur to!"
Rabbi Y.D. Groner Relates:

I remember the evening the Rebbe arrived in New York; I was standing with my father about to go into Yechidus by the Frierdiker Rebbe. Rabbi Yisroel Jacobsen came out of Yechidus and he told us:

"The Rebbe told me to give over to the Bachurim Studying in 770 that everyone in the Yeshiva should go out to welcome my son in Low (the Rebbe) he knows the all of Talmud by heart, and all books on Chasidism that are printed" I remember, that was when I got an idea of who the Rebbe was"

Picture description:

The Rebbe giving Lekach by the entrance to the Succa Hoshana Rabbah 1969. (Special Thanks to Rabbi Seligson)

Good Shabbos

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

"The Rebbe" Gimmel Tammuz Edition.

"I have been to many funerals in my life, but I have never seen someone cry with as much pain as the Rebbe cried for that soldier."

- Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau

The following private accounts are brief episodes which give us a fleeting glimpse of the Rebbe's relationship with Yidden and his Shluchim, as well as his yearning for the Geula. They are presented in honor of Gimmel Tammuz. Also included is interesting pictures of the Rebbe part 69. Special thanks to Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Rabbi Avrohom Levitansky, O.B.M., and Rabbi Asher Lowenstein.

This e-mail is dedicated to my grandfather Meir Ben Avraham Pesach who passed away Gimmel Tammuz 5743.

The Rebbe—A Father

"I have been to many funerals in my life, but I have never seen someone cry with as much pain as the Rebbe cried for that soldier."

- Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau

"There was a young Lubavitch girl, about 16 or 17, who was going through a difficult phase in her life and was very emotionally distraught. The Rebbe was deeply involved in helping her. As a Kollel fellow brought in to assist, I would try to explain to her the meaning of the Rebbe's letters which she brought to me.

"In one letter, the Rebbe wrote to her that he felt the pain she was suffering. She responded to the Rebbe that she simply did not believe him, because it is not possible to feel someone else's pain.

"The Rebbe answered, 'She will grow older and hopefully merit to get married and, eventually, to have a child. She will see that, when at a young age, a child begins to teeth, which is a process that can cause a lot of pain for the child, she, as a mother, will then actually feel the child's pain. That is how I feel her pain.' The story had a good ending."

The Rebbe and his Shluchim

"The Rebbe would debrief the Shluchim for hours on end, often weeping upon hearing the reports of physical and spiritual persecution"

-The Rebbe's Shluchim to Russia

Mr. Marvin Goldschmidt, as a representative, presented the Rebbe with the key to his local Chabad House. The following dialogue ensued.

Rebbe: What is this?

Goldschmidt: The key to the Chabad house in Westwood.

Rebbe: For which door?

Goldschmidt: The front door

Rebbe: And the key is mine?

Goldschmidt: Yes!

Rebbe: If so, I say that the door should be open 24 hours-a-day to men, women and children, and this should burst forth to the north, south, east and west!

The Rebbe and Moshiach

"Increasingly through the years, the Rebbe's emphasis was on Moshiach.... The Rebbe wanted to do something that was far more reaching than any revolution."

-Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

In 1992 an eye doctor came to check the Rebbe's eyes. Interested to take advantage of the rare opportunity to approach the Rebbe, he asked the Rebbe when he was done, "If so many good things are being done all over the world, why isn't Moshiach here yet?"

"You know what?" the Rebbe replied, "I have the same question! I don't know why Moshiach is not here yet. But at the same time, I have to say that something must be done."

The Rebbe added, "Although we have accomplished so much, it seems that, somehow, there is a little more that can be done. And this is why I don't let my Chassidim sleep, and I'm constantly urging them to do a little bit more than what they have done until now…"

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © M.Kirschenbaum 2007

"I Remember Sitting and Writing a Letter to the Rebbe"

"I don't know if I will ever be able to share my experiences with the Rebbe...Because I will never have enough words to describe how much he looked after me and guided me, every step of my life"

- Mrs. Chaya Kahan

Mrs. Chaya Kahan had a very unique relationship with the Rebbe. The following encounter I would like to present is when her Daughter Rivka who was six years old, wrote a very heartfelt letter to the Rebbe. Whereupon she received an moving response. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe (part 70).

Mrs. Chaya Kahan relates:

"I remember sitting down and writing a letter to the Rebbe. My daughter Rivka was then six years old when she asked me, 'mommy what are you writing?'

I replied "I am writing a letter to the Rebbe in need of His advice in regards to a specific matter that I am having."

My daughter then continued and asked "Mommy Will the Rebbe answer you?" I told her "yes." Rivka then asked "can I write a letter to the Rebbe also?" I told her "yes."

My daughter then sat down and began to write the following:

"Dear Rebbe, I like you very much."

~Chasia Rivka Kahan,

Two weeks later to my excitement, an envelope came in the mail addressed to "Miss Chasia Rivka Kahan." I then called my daughter over, where then we began to read the letter together:

Miss. Chasia Rivka Kahan,

Blessings and Greetings,

I was pleased to receive your letter, and thank you very much for letting me know how you feel.

I am therefore sure that you conduct yourself in a way that is fitting for a Jewish girl, the daughter of Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah, the mothers of our people, about whom you have surely heard about.

With Blessing.

(The Rebbe's signature)

picture Description: Yud Shevat 5723

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe "Take her Address And Phone Number"

" The Lubavitcher Rebbe is of the Great Leaders in our times...Before I travel now to Washington to meet with The President (Jimmy Carter), I feel it's very important for me to come to the Rebbe, and to receive His blessing."

-Menachem Begin (Former Prime Minister of Israel)

I would like to present a very unique Shlichus in which Rebbe sent former Prime Minster Menachem Begin to France, to help a Jewish Girl who was in midst of a very difficult time with her Judaism. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe. (Part 72) Special thanks Rabbi Binyomin Klein from the Rebbe's secretaries, as well as to Rabbi Asher Lowenstein.

Menachem Begin visited the Rebbe many times prior to becoming Prime Minister. I remember towards the end of one of his private audiences:

"The Rebbe asked him: Can I ask you to do a favor for me?

Begin: Definitely!

The Rebbe: "I received a letter from the mother and father of a Jewish girl from France. They describe how their daughter wants to get married to a non-Jewish guy. They wrote in the letter that they tried to do everything in their power to hold up the marriage; but nothing helped. So, they are asking me now for my help to see what I can do.

"I think," said the Rebbe, "that a person like you, with the standing that you have, should speak to her. Especially because you speak French also, it will have a very great effect on the girl."

Menachem Begin listened to the Rebbe's request and accepted upon himself to do the Shlichus. The Rebbe gave him the girl's address and her phone number in France. The Rebbe told Begin that he wants to pay for all of the expenses involved with traveling there.

He traveled to France and met with the girl. He spoke his heart on why it's so important to marry a Jew. In the end, she broke it off. Today she lives in Jerusalem with a beautiful family.

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © M.Kirschenbaum 2007.

Rebbetzin Chana "You know that Tonight is Yud Aleph Nissan?"

"All of the Chassidim where in total awe from the tremendous respect that the Rebbe had towards his mother during his visit in Paris....He would visit her twice a day"

-Rabbi Nachum Yakobovitch

This year marks 60 years to the Rebbe's historical visit to Paris. The purpose of the Rebbe's trip was to bring his mother Rebbetzin Chana (which he did not see for twenty two years) to the US. I would like to present a beautiful episode with the Rebbe and his mother that occurred during the Rebbe's stay in Paris. Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe. (Part 73 in the series). Special thanks to Rabbi Nachum Yakobovitch for sharing this episode.

"One of the more unique memories I remember from the Rebbe's visit to Paris in 1947, was the evening of Yud Aleph Nissin. We were sitting in the home of Rabbi Zalmen Schneerson, and the

Rebbe's mother Rebbetzin Chana, came into the living room and asked us: Rebbetzin Chana: "You know that tonight is Yud Aleph Nissan?" (We didn't know of any significance of the date at that time).

The Rebbetzin continued: "Yud Aleph Nissan is my son's [the Rebbe's] birthday. Ask him to farbrengen!" So the group of Elder Chassidim (who were in Paris at the time) complying with the request They approached the Rebbe, and asked if he can farbrengen. The Rebbe replied: (with a smile) "A Vade a Glaiche Zach" (literally Translated "defiantly it's a good thing"). I remember very vaguely what the Rebbe spoke about by that that farbrengen, but, there are two episodes, that stayed with me. One of the them was:

"The Rebbe spoke about the picture of him and the Frierdiker (Previous) Rebbe playing Chess. the Rebbe explained that The picture was taken at a time that the doctors of The Frierdiker Rebbe advised him to get more rest (for health reasons) They advised the Frierdiker Rebbe that he should weigh his responsibilities and moreover, he should spend his time working with things that will free more time because of his health. So The Frierdiker Rebbe, complying with the doctor's request, decided to play chess.

And he asked me to play with him. After the first game the Frierdiker Rebbe felt that I didn't play properly, so we played a second game and the Rebbe concluded: "I was victorious."

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

The Rebbe Asked Me "Why didn't You go Upstairs?"

"Whenever I had difficulties in learning I would go to the Rebbe's office and ask the Rebbe to explain me what I didn't understand. his answers to me were always short and to the Point"

-Rabbi Peretz Hecht

I would like to present a very interesting conversation that a student had with the Rebbe in the study Hall upstairs in 770 in the early 1940's. Also included is in an interesting picture of the Rebbe. (Part 76 in the series).

"I remember sitting and learning one day in 770, as we where learning a Bachur came into the study hall and told us that Rabbi Gurary (the Rebbe's brother in law) had come to 770 with group of donors that supported the central Lubavitch Yeshiva at the time. The reason for their coming was that The Previous Rebbe was going to deliver a special talk to them on the importance Jewish education.

As we where sitting in the study hall a student came down stairs with great excitement and told us that the door of The Previous Rebbe's room is slightly open. Immediately all of the Bachurim went upstairs to try to listen to this special talk. My study partner and I decided that we weren't going upstairs and try to listen in rather we went on and continued learning.To our surprise the Rebbe (then known as the Ramah's) entered the study hall, he approached us and asked: "Where are all the Bachurim?" We replied: "The Bachurim went upstairs because The Previous Rebbe is delivering a special talk to a group of donors and the door is opened; they went to try to here the talk." Then the Rebbe asked me: "Why didn't you go upstairs?

"I replied to the Rebbe:

"As a disciple of the (Previous) Rebbe it's a bit difficult for me to fulfill even half of what the Rebbe wants, so why should run to go here more? Let me try to fulfill what's being demanded from me already". Following my words the Rebbe smiled and told me:

"There are times that the "arum" (the environment or surroundings) of Chassidus affects the teachings Chassidus."

I.e. To hear a story or to go listen to a Yechidus participating in a farbrengen gives a Chossid the ability to properly fulfill what Chassidus demands in learning and practical Avodah.

Picture description: the Rebbe distributing dollars on a Sunday. (Special thanks to a reader of the e-mails for sending it)

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © M.Kirschenbaum 2007

"The Rebbe Stood with his Face Towards the Building"

"The Rebbe utilized every person. The Rebbe tried to get them to pull the conservative movement to the right. As you know, for example, a person does one Mitzvah. If you can accomplish that this person should do two MItzvos, wonderful. He never sanctioned or endorsed. The Rebbe encouraged every person's talents "

- Rabbi Nissan Mangel

I would like to present a very interesting episode that a student had with the Rebbe at a children's rally at 770 in the early 1940's. Also included is in an interesting picture of the Rebbe. (Part 77 in the series). Special thanks to Rabbi Y.B. Friedman from Kehos publications And Rabbi Levi Garelik for the picture.

"In the beginning of the 1940's, there was a lot of work done with children Every so often there were special rallies for children, and the Rebbe would stand and address them. At one of these rallies, a large group – 300 Children (which was outstanding in those days), gathered in the yard adjacent to 770. The Rebbe came down, opened a wooden folding chair, stood on it, and began speaking to the children in Yiddish. The Rebbe stood with his face towards the building (in this spot, many years later, the Rebbe would stand on Simchas Torah and teach new Niggunim; he would stand on a chair then, too) and I noticed that the Rebbe was staring at the building the entire time. I looked to see what the Rebbe was staring at and noticed an open window on the second floor (in the room of Rebbetzin Nechama Dina, past the kitchen, where she had a table and the Rebbetzins would sit there during farbrengens of the Rebbe Rayatz, and Farbreng).

The Rebbe Rayatz stood there, dressed in silk, a Gartel, and his Shabbos spodik. He held on to the window and bent over to hear how his son-in-law spoke. It was a wondrous sight, and I froze in my spot. Suddenly I saw that the other window was open too. I looked in the direction of the second window in order to see who was there, but saw no one. It was so odd, and I knew already that when it came to the Rebbe, there was no such thing as inconsequential details; something unusual was going on. As soon as the Rebbe finished speaking, R' Chaim Lieberman, the Rebbe Rayatz's secretary, came and told the Rebbe that the Rebbe Rayatz wanted him immediately.

The Rebbe ran up the steps and went in for yechidus. I later heard what took place at that yechidus from R' Yitzchok Groner; the Rebbe told him what his father-in-law had said (in a joyous Niggun):

The argument between the Alter Rebbe and his mechutan R' Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, regarding the saying of "V'Shomru B'nei Yisroel" on Friday night (between Hashkiveinu and Shmoneh Esrei) is known. The Alter Rebbe paskened that it should not be said because of it possibly being an interruption in Davening, while R' Levi Yitzchok strongly argued that it must be said (the Alter Rebbe compromised by including it in his Siddur, writing that those who have the custom of saying it have opinions to rely on, etc... R' Levi Yitzchok said to the Alter Rebbe: "Imagine what a parade there is up Above as Jews recite "V'Shomru!"The Alter Rebbe replied: "It is true that there is a parade, however, we don't have to attend every parade!"

The Rebbe Rayatz concluded, "But to this parade, he came!" (i.e., that the Alter Rebbe had participated in the children's rally).

Picture description: is one of the people who escorted president Shazar in 1966 Motzaei Shabbos Nachamu (41 years ago) I believe this was the first time President Shazar came as president.

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

"I did Not Want To Meet the Rebbe in Private"

"I didn't want to meet personally with the Rebbe because it was very clear to me that this was a most unusual human being. I didn't want to spend 20 minutes or half an hour in a room with him, and then have to rethink, undo, restructure, my imagination after that experience. That's all I meant by that. A writer does the necessary encountering for his or her work, and when he feels that his imagination has enough encounter with the reality that he wants to write about, he walks away from the reality and lets the imagination work. You don't let the reality overwhelm the imagination. That's precisely why I didn't want to see the Rebbe, although Rabbi Shemtov, on many occasions, urged me to do so, and it would have been very easy to do so"

-Chaim Potok

I would like to present a conversation between Chaim Potok (the author of 'My Name is Asher Lev') and Rabbi Chaim Dalfin. In this conversation C haim Potok shares his first encounter with the Rebbe and his impression of Lubavitch Chassidim and 770 (open attachment). Also included is an interesting picture of the Rebbe, part 69.

D How did you first meet with the Rebbe. Was it in private or, at a Farbrengen?

P As I told you, I never met the Rebbe in private. I met the Rebbe twice at Farbrengens and once at a Mincha service. It must have been in the 70’s. All 3 times, if I remember correctly, I was accompanied by Rabbi Shemtov. The second Farbrengen I sat up in front with a large group of others, and spoke to the Rebbe in front of all the people there. I was at the time the editor of the Jewish Publication Society. His words to me were, “Remember to put the Jewish back in the Jewish Publication Society.” We always published books that had to with Jewish scholarship, Jewish history, Jewish thought. Therefore, I wasn’t entirely sure what he meant. That was the 2nd time I met him. We stayed, my wife and I, very late that night, and we also heard the Rebbe speaking Chassidus. It was about 2-3 o’clock in the morning.
Then I met the Rebbe at a Mincha service, when a group of Yeshiva boys were about to leave on a worldwide mission. He noticed me and nodded. After the Mincha service the students gathered around him. He gave them a Brocha and he went away.

D You didn’t talk to him on that occasion.

P No.

D Did you understand what he meant about, “Remember to put the Jewish back in the Jewish Publication Society.” Did you ask him?

P There was no opportunity to ask him, because there were others waiting to speak to him. It was very puzzling to me.

D The first time you came, Rabbi Shemtov introduced you to the Rebbe?

P If I remember correctly, he knew that I was coming. I had just written either The Promise or My Name is Asher Lev. He knew that I was a novelist, but said nothing to me about the novels. The conversation lasted longer than with all the others who came before me, and some staff people seemed to be annoyed that I was taking so much of the Rebbe’s time. One or two of them came over to me and asked, “What did the Rebbe say?”, so I told them what I’m telling you now.

D What motivated you to go see the Rebbe?

P First, I grew up in a world of Chassidus and Chassidism. My mother was a direct descendant of one of the sons of the Rizhiner. Her father was a Chortkover and my father was a Belzer. My uncle was a Belzer. The whole family comes from that world. Second, I became especially interested in Lubavitch because my wife grew up at 576 Eastern Parkway. She had seen Lubavitch expand in that neighborhood, had seen that neighborhood transformed from a middle class neighborhood to a Chassidic neighborhood. I was very curious about that. And, my in-laws still lived at 576 Eastern Parkway, so when I visited them, I would see Lubavitch everywhere. After I wrote The Chosen and The Promise - I had always been interested in art - I began to think about the possibility of writing a story about an artist who had grown up in a very religious world. It was at that point that Rabbi Shemtov walked into my office one day. My interest in that subject and Rabbi Shemtov came together, and the focus became Lubavitch, although I wasn’t particularly interested in writing specifically about Lubavitch. What a writer does is research and become very familiar with a specific world and subject. Then the imagination takes over. So the streets where my wife grew up, became the focus of my interest, and since Lubavitch was still on those streets, it all came together into the Asher Lev story. When Rabbi Shemtov invited me to come to a Farbrengen, I said sure, let me see what’s going on, and we went.

D Had you studied the philosophy and history of Lubavitch before that?

P Yes, I knew a great deal about its philosophy and its leaders. I had studied that mostly

on my own during and after my student years at the Jewish Theological Seminary.

D So you are a graduate of Jewish Theological Seminary?

P Of Yeshiva University, and the Seminary.

D So you knew Rabbi Lieberman.

P He was my teacher.

D So you met the Rebbe. What impression do you retain?

P I had the impression that he was a very charismatic leader, a man who could use his knowledge and his personality to build and to lead a movement of Chassidim. I could see the control he had over the group, I could see the awe, respect, and reverence that all the people there had for him.

D You never corresponded with him?

P No.

D I’m sure you’ve met many other Jewish leaders throughout your life. How did the Rebbe compare? What is his niche, in your opinion?

P There is no one comparable to the Rebbe in Yeshiva life, because it isn’t the nature of a Yeshiva Rov to build an empire, as it were. A Yeshiva Rov will try to get his talmidim to teach in other Yeshivos; he will not try to build a vast, international empire of followers. The great Yeshiva Rabbonim in Europe built mostly around Yeshivos.
Lubavitch, however, had a charismatic leader, chosen by a previous leader, who apparently sensed something in this leader and chose him for the specific purpose of rebuilding a world, shattered by the Second World War. Somehow that sense of possibility has proven to be true; the Rebbe succeeded and built an empire, a worldwide movement.
The Jewish leaders that I know are politicians in Israel, United States , senators, congressmen, judges, and great Rabbonim. There is a difference between the Rebbe and those leaders: the Rebbe created a worldwide movement with dedicated, devoted, followers, who not only listened attentively but waited eagerly for anything that he had to say. There were in the 30’s in the United States a number of charismatic leaders, religious and political, like Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen Wise, but that period pretty much ended after the Second World War.

D You see the worldwide movement of Lubavitch as a direct result of the Rebbe’s charisma.

P Well, if you say that before the Rebbe there was no worldwide Lubavitch movement, and after the Rebbe there is a worldwide Lubavitch movement, then obviously the Rebbe had something to do with it. Whether you agree with this or that position of the Rebbe or this or that position of the movement, the fact remains that the movement exists now when it didn’t exist before his presence.

D Have you witnessed Lubavitch in other parts of the country and the world?

P I have come across Lubavitch in many cities of the United States , Canada, Paris, Nice, Singapore, Hong Kong, Rome, Australia. It is certainly a presence that has to be reckoned with in Judaism, and it didn’t exist when I was growing up. So, one has to say that the Rebbe generated this worldwide movement.

D So, in your opinion, the Gerer Rebbe in the 30’s with some say hundreds of thousands of Chassidim, would you call him a charismatic leader?

P They are all charismatic leaders -- the question is what the leader does with his charisma, what his aim is. There are more Satmarer Chassidim than there are Lubavitch Chassidim, but nobody says that the Satmarer Chassidim are a force in Jewish life. For very specific historical reasons, the Lubavitch movement in Russia in the last century turned in the direction of “evangelizing”, missionizing the Jewish people. That missionizing tendency remained in Lubavitch when it moved to the United States . The Rebbe began to rebuild Lubavitch, and he used that as the essential instrumentality for goal-directing the movement. And he used it with singular success.

D What historical reasons?

P To avoid the conscription policy of Czar Nicholas I. Because if you went to Yeshiva, you weren’t conscripted. Those policies were terrible as far as Jews were concerned, because you ended up in the army of Russia for 25 years of your life and very often you were conscripted at a very early age. The essential goal of that Conscription policy, from 1825 to 1855, was to Christianize Jewish children. We know precisely what the Rebbe of those times did. His goal was to get his Chassidim to create Yeshivos, get children into those Yeshivos, and thereby avoid having them serve in the army of the Czar. That’s the turning point in Lubavitch, because it wasn’t a missionizing movement before that point. It was another Chassidic movement, an intellectual Chassidic movement, but it didn’t have this powerful, thrusting goal at its core, that is to say the “conversion of the Jews.” The later Rebbes realized how successful you could be with this ethic, and that you could get a community to work toward this ethic, to unite behind this ethic. Rabbi Schneerson was especially creative in this regard.

D Does it seem that all branches of Judaism are incorporating more of that approach?

P Yes, I think that outreach, as we now call it, has become a major thrust in Jewish life today. To the extent that all the groups in Judaism succeed, I think to that extent Lubavitch is owed a measure of gratitude -- one recognizes that it was among the very first that went out to bring Jews in. I make no bones about the fact that Lubavitch’s main purpose is to convert the whole Jewish people, if it can, to Lubavitch.
Picture Description: Erev Yom Kippur 1974

Good Shabbos.

Copyright © Menachem Kirschenbaum 2007

  היכנס לעריכת כותרת תחתונה לשינוי טקסט זה