1. Appeture Science Handheld Portal Device
4. .22 Pistol with Laser Light
7. 1 Handed Sword (its awesome :D)
10. 3 Axes
11. 3D Bullet Pack
13. 3D sword
15. 44. Ruger
16. 50. Cal
17. 88-FLAK
19. 99.0mm burst fire assult rifle
21. A scythe thingy
22. A sword pack
25. Abyssal blade
26. Abyssal halberd
27. Abyssal scimitar
29. AEP7 Laser Pistol (Fallout 3)
30. AG-90
31. Airbucks
32. AK-103
34. Ak-47
35. AK-47
36. AK-47
37. Ak-47
38. Ak-47
39. Ak-47 (w) red dot sight and silencer
40. Ak-47 best
41. AK-47 FP v2
42. Ak-47 greanader
43. Ak-47 pack
44. Ak-74u Pack
45. Ak47
46. AKS-47
48. Alien Pistol
49. Amazing Knife
50. AN-94 pack